Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday Critters ~ 66 ~

New Jersey welcomed Spring yesterday,
in true New Jersey style, with 5 inches of snow!!

Every time it snows, I am sure it's the final curtain call, we'll see.

When the snow comes, the Cardinals come in close.
Let me show you how close, these images 
are straight out of the camera, 
they have not been cropped.

Isn't he gorgeous, sitting right outside my office window!
I know he can see me!

Sharing my images from March 20, 2015  with  
for Saturday Critters stop by and consider joining in,
any ole' critter will do!

Sharing also with Anni at I'd Rather Be Birding
lots of pretty birds there!!


Andy said...

For me, it is always a pleasure to encounter the beautiful red cardinal.

Miriam said...

What a beautiful set of images for me to see this morning!

EG CameraGirl said...

Great shots of the male cardinal, Debbie!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Debbie!:) Such a treat to see these beauties, and all your shots are picture perfect.

Latane Barton said...

Those are such striking photos. Love the redbird against the snow. Sorry you all are getting another dose of the white stuff. Maybe this will be your last.

Bonnie said...

Debbie I love seeing cardinals tucked into a snow covered tree. Beautiful photos. Have a wonderful weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Oh yes, he is gorgeous! Awesome shots! No snow in sunny Florida, I missed it! Thanks for linking up, happy weekend!

Charlene N. K. said...

I think it's one of the most amazing window views. And wonderful captures too! Love them all!

Changes in the wind said...

He is indeed gorgeous!!!!

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

The contrast of their red against the snow is unworldly

TexWisGirl said...

he's just beautiful!

Ela said...

What can I say, these birds are beautiful !
Debbie, your shots are just amazing.
Have a nice weekend :)

Karen Lakis said...

I know - so much snow - but cardinals are so so beautiful in the snow! These are amazing shots, Debbie!

Muffie said...

What a handsome gent he is! His red feathers look even brighter against the snowy backdrop. I'm hoping this white stuff melts quickly!

21 Wits said...

FIVE inches! Totally unfair. Gosh I feel for you, it reminds me of our spring last year, it snowed and snowed and then it was suddenly summer! Yikes. Your lens is truly on target with such lovely captures! I have to tell you what my grandson said at the bus stop yesterday (our big Robin sighting day too) he says, "Look a red blue jay! " It was so cute.

karen said...

Soon all the white will be gone then all the colors will start to show, like those tulips your hubs planted that time. I hope they do well & you share a picture when there in bloom.

Sally said...

So beautiful! LOVE cardinals. :)


Unknown said...

He is just beautiful, Debbie and guess what??
We celebrated spring in the same way as you did.
"Only" 4 inches here though.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful just beautiful!!!

Debbie said...

they are popping up from the earth. you just have to brush the snow away to see them ;)

have a happy weekend!!!!

Debbie said...

oooooo, now that's adorable!! they do say the darndest things!!!!

Joyful said...

Wow! Such beautiful captures.

Ruth Hiebert said...


Farm Girl said...

What pretty pictures! It seems like you get a bit of snow and the Cardinals and then the snow goes a way. At least I hope it works out that way.

Laura. M said...

What color as bright. Beautiful on white snow.
Good weekend. Debbie;))

Adam Jones said...

I do love the Cardinal, and they look especially nice in the snow. Great pictures.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Good grief you have had lots of snow this year. I love your bird. So colorful and personable.

Montanagirl said...

I LOVE the cardinals. You took some really splendid photos of them. Love them in the snow.

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous! These are definitely some of my favorite Cardinal pictures EVER! You are amazing, Debbie!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes he is gorgeous. Cracking series of images. Have a lovely weekend

Unknown said...

Awesome photos of this handsome fellow!

Anni said...

Picture post card perfect....EACH image! Wow.

Thanks for adding your link to this post for the weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'!!!

The Furry Gnome said...

Just incredible images!

Magia da Inês said...

Uma série de preciosas imagens para saudar a primavera.
Logo, logo tudo será colorido com muita intensidade de luz!

Ótima semana!
Tudo de bom!

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots! Although, I do hope you get some real spring weather soon.

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Beautiful photos and what a handsome man! There are cardinals all over my backyard right now. I'm hoping with the rain coming later and the temps. in the 60's in Northern IL tomorrow, I hope the snow goes bye bye! So sick of it already!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous cardinal shots, Debbie!

Bethany Carson said...

Gorgeous captures Debbie! Those cardinals are real beauties!

Bethany Carson said...

Gorgeous captures Debbie! Those cardinals are real beauties!