
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Good Fences ~ Edition 51 ~

It was really cold on February  11, 2015...
it was so cold that my "beach walk" ended at the snow fence on 
Manasquan Beach... 
to snap a few pictures and head back to the car.

I knew it was going to be too cold,
but I can't drive by the area without being sure and just seeing "it".

 The ocean was beautiful and just a little bit rowdy!!

There was only one brave soul, going for a run.

 We drove around the seashore town, 
as there is always something unique to see.
We found this cool flag, made from painted shells on 
someones front lawn sand. 

And this wonderful display at the same home.
Some people take so much pride in living by the shore.

Sharing these pretty views from Manasquan, NJ with my good friend
for Good Fences
Stop by and consider joining in the fun, any fence or gate will do!


  1. Hello Debbie, I love the view of the ocean and fence.. And the seashell flag is cute.. The yard art is a neat lawn display, very beachy!

  2. The ocean is a beautiful shade of blue! Enjoyed the yard art--definitely different from the yard art around here (old tractors, John Deere flags, and farm implements)!

  3. although it was cold you got some really good shots of the beach and such amazing lawn décor. I enjoyed the little 'get out' with you this morning. Hugs.

  4. Gorgeous shots of the beach.

  5. love the idea of the flag!! awesome! and always enjoy your beach scenes. thanks for braving the cold!

  6. There are many creative person around who are our inspiration.

    Thank you.

  7. There are many creative person around who are our inspiration.

    Thank you.

  8. Beautiful pictures of the beach Debbie :)
    I was at the beach yesterday in bright
    sunshine and I froze my fingers off.
    An icy cold wind was blowing there.
    I love the way those people have decorated
    their front beach :D
    Have a beautiful day!

  9. LOVE that last shot. Cheers and happy Thursday to ya

  10. oh, the ocean's such a deep deep blue! And those fences - again I say - will forever evoke happy childhood memories!

  11. I know it was cold, but gee that beach is so inviting. That flag is really creative, as is their other display. I wonder who Hunter is or was, it surely stands for something. Enjoy your day.

  12. I always enjoy seeing places that take pride in the outside of their home.. so neat! Enjoyed that beach scene!! Hope you enjoy your day..

  13. I love the shell flag. It will be a nice project for my little guys! I also enjoyed seeing the nicely decorated home. The beach in winter is majestic, but way too cold this year!

  14. Beautiful pictures of the water, that is what I miss about living in Michigan. That flag shell is cool and neat display they have too!

  15. Cold fun is better than no fun! What fun to be near the ocean ....

  16. Hello Debbie!:) Lovely views of the ocean, and what a good idea someone had to make a flag out of shells. With a bit of imagination one could make anything. I'll keep that idea in mind.

  17. Love the flag; love the ocean!

    I definitely would have stopped also. :)


  18. Brrr....I bet that water was cold. I would think one would need to be running to keep warm. Loved the flag of shells.

  19. Blue sky with a blue colored ocean, cold day but beautiful pictures you captured.

  20. Since I live inland, I would love to see a beach like that.

  21. O, your photos of these lovely scenes are wonderful..I LOVE the beach and when all our grands were little, we took family vacations at the beach every summer.

  22. Beautiful beach! I love the shell flag!

  23. Gorgeous beach shots! Maybe it will warm up soon. Love the seaside decor at people's homes!

  24. I love the patriotism of your beachcomber! And that view over the fence of the blue water is awesome.

  25. That is an unique shell flag. Love the blue skies and the Ocean beyond.

  26. Flag nice touch !!
    When you live near the sea, but then cold is a pleasure to visit, Debbie. I live far away from him :((

  27. What a unique idea in the flag photo!

  28. Great view! Love the shell flag and the decor.

  29. Love the painted shells in the flag photo!
