
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Critters ~ 63 ~

Conversation between myself and the Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Me: Mr. Yellow-Rumped Warbler, 
could you please show me your beautiful yellow spots??

Mr. Yellow Rumped-Warbler said:  I'd be happy to!!

Sharing my images from February 15, 2015 with  
for Saturday Critters stop by and consider joining in,
any ole' critter will do!

Also linking with Anni at
I'd Rather Be Birding
Stop by, check it out...If you're a fan of birds you will love this one!


  1. Good Morning, Debbie, your little warbler is so cute.. He is posing and showing off his pretty yellow spots.. Great captures. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Spots? I see patches, but not spots. Am I being too literal again?
    :) maureen and the head bangers (my new musical group)

  3. Obviously you're fluent in bird "speak". I love the yellow also, so pretty. :)


  4. They are never that accommodating for me. Even my own pups.

  5. love the butter-butts! haven't seen them here for a few years. you must be hogging them. :)

  6. I wonder why the person who named this one decided to go with Yellow Rumped instead of Yellow Chested??! Maybe to make a little boy laugh! These are so sweet - the detail of all the feathers is just amazing!

  7. Just lovely Debbie, what bright colors. You get the best shots.

  8. I think he was mooning you, Deb! LOL They really are gorgeous colorings.

  9. Such a cooperative and gorgeous bird. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Hi Debbie - Beautiful shots of the Warbler! He was quite cooperative, wasn't he?

  11. PRETTY images of the yellow rump. Did you know there are two kinds of this species. The Myrtle Warbler is the one you show today. The other species has a YELLOW throat to match its rump.

  12. Aww, so cute! You got some excellent shots.

  13. Wow ! Such a gorgeous bird ! And your shots are excellent !!!
    Have a happy weekend !

  14. Those little splashes of yellow are perfection!
    What a sweet little one.

  15. You obviously speak Warbler very well! Beautiful photos.

  16. Great photos! Love the shot from the back....Thought you might want to kowo that your link on Anni's I'd Rather Be Birding links one back to her and not to your post. You might want to fix it.
