
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hawk Eye's...

 He and I!!

 A Red Shouldered Hawk

 Here he sees me and thinks about taking off.

 He "relives" himself...

 moons me...

 and gets ready for lift-off!

 The hubs and I were at the banks drive thru
 when I spotted this guy.
There was some jumping out of the car, brisk walking,
at the time, all eyes were on me.
I am not the driver, I'm always the look-out...
The hubs calls me Hawk Eyes!!

On the same day, I also spotted this unusual white goose,
hanging out with a group of Canadian Geese!

January 23, 2015


  1. That hawk gave you everything except flipping you the bird.

  2. Well spotted Debby!:) He must have been hungry!:) Great Shots!:)

  3. Poo in mid air. Now THAT"S some shot! LOL!
    Think the bottom guy is a Snow Goose. May be wrong.
    Hawkeye is an Excellent name for you, like the character on M*A*S*H.
    :) m & jb (who liked the poo shot but is scared of hawks!)

  4. Good Morning, Debbie, you have a great eye there.. He looks evil.. And what nerve to moon you, HA! The goose is pretty. Awesome shots! Have a happy day!

  5. Very nice shots of the hawk and goose! It does seem like you have hawk eyes considering all the neat things you notice and photograph! Very appropriate name from your husband!

  6. Glad to make your acquaintance, Hawk Eyes.

  7. We have a few hawks that hang out around our house and it scares me a bit because my cats like to go out on the deck and lay in the sun and these hawks are so big I am afraid they will come and pick them up... that is a pretty goose too

  8. Lovely images of the hawk!! You are lucky that he sat still for so many photos!! In good weather, a friend in a wheelchair goes through the drive-through at the bank, and I stand around looking at everything.
    How were all your hats received at Christmas? And good luck with the gloves! When does that course start?

  9. cute hawking. :) love the cute goose.

  10. Nice captures! Always nice to see such a hawk close enough to photograph!

  11. Oh Debbie.... you make my days so much brighter with your humor :) Beautiful hawk pictures! Hugs to you!

  12. That's great. I would think that birds would just fly off, but yours always seem to stay and pose for you. I'll call you the "Bird Whisperer!" Love the coloring on that goose!

  13. Your Hawk is a joy to see and even better to have watched in real life I just know. Fun times.

  14. Good series, Debbie, was allowed to make good photos!!

  15. Well Hawk Eyes, these are a great series of shots of this Hawk and I love the Goose

  16. Wonderful pictures of the Hawk,Debbie!
    You are so lucky seeing it so close!
    I can only see it flying up up in the sky!
    Great captures!

  17. Oh my! So crazy - you and your car escapades (I think escapades has the same root as escape - which I wouldn't have thought of except that I was going to write escape-a-pades...since you escape the car to get your pics! teach me so many things!!) The other day I saw a bald eagle - there's one that nests on the far side of a local pond. But the other day he (she?) was hanging out on the road side of the pond. So, I turned the car around, pulled over and got out. As soon as I crunched the snow to head towards the tree where he was he flew! Sigh. I only had my iPhone anyway - so doubt I would have truly captured much. All I can say is geesh - what a wing span!!

  18. I've only seen ONE - that I know of - red-shoulderd hawk. Yep, I'm jealous! :)

  19. LOL! That's awesome! Nice shots! That's a very predictable behavior of birds just before flight.

  20. I loved the photos of course, but I really enjoyed your narration; it was very cleaver and fun.
    You just continue to amaze me with the pictures you take.
    Blessings and thanks for this fun one!

  21. Great catch on the hawk and the goose. I see lots of hawks around here, but I never get the opportunity to get pictures.

  22. Beautiful hawk, beautiful goose! I'm laughing at thinking about you jumping out of the car. I can't tell you how many times I've done that, and I was the driver!!

  23. What fun! You got some great shots of this beautiful hawk, and I love the goose as well! I had a "hawk encounter" myself this week...will be posting soon.

  24. Wow being "moon'd" by a hawk, that's not something that happens every day. Great shots of the hawk and the white goose.

  25. I got mooned by one recently, too! Must be a "thing" with them. The tail pattern and head color make me think this is a Cooper's Hawk. Great captures!
