
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And Just Like That, It's Gone!!

The night before last, the hubs took me to our favorite Marina,
to watch the sunset.
 As we arrived at the river, the sky looked like this...
pretty...but I knew the best, was yet to come.

  The water turned pink and then a lovely shade of orange.

  All of the boats are docked safely on the shore,

 the empty dock posts leave "perfect" reflections in the still water.

 It took my breath away...

and seemed to last forever.
This is one memory that will stay with me a lifetime, it was that gorgeous.
It was after this that we drove around to see the Christmas Lights.
They were all beautiful, but nothing beats Mother Nature.
Don't you agree??
December 29, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Traditions...

Do you have a lot of "special" Christmas Traditions?
At my house, I try...
but with three men boys around, it's not so easy!!
When the kids were young ins', all I had to do was
"say it with a smile"
and everyone was excited and all in for my adventure.
As they have grown up,
well, let's just say they are "on to me"...
and they have learned that saying "no way" to mom,
is a lot easier then they thought!!
One tradition, I will not let go of, is driving to the ends of the earth,
to look at Christmas lights.
I get a list, there is hot chocolate and blankets involved...
and you are coming whether you like it or not. 
How did that work out for me this year, you ask??
It was just the hubs and I...
we went last night because right now,
being around other people, is not an option for me.
The first place house, for me, this year was...

 and Olaf

 This was a six minute projection screen showing from the movie Frozen.
Tune your radio station to 88.5,
hear the words, feel the story, hear the music.

It ended like this and it was amazing!!
I will not mention how long it took for us to find this house,
or how many of the "wrong" houses we visited.
Nope not going to mention that because it was all worth it!
And we saw some pretty cool Christmas lights along the way!! you have any??

Monday, December 29, 2014

Posing For Pictures...

 I "think" I got lucky with two good shots of a Titmouse...
on November 13, 2014!!

He seemed determined to get his picture taken.
These images have not been edited,
(I should add that I never edit my pictures)
they almost seemed "painted" or "pencil drawn".
When I first viewed them I was going to delete them.
But the more and more I looked at them, I decided I liked them.
Good thing for me, as I "need" blog material!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Tape Measure!!!

The hubs told me a I have never heard before.
It was so profound, I must share it here.
My posts are not generally "wordy", I think this one will be but for me,
so worth the read.
Go and get a tape measure, a nice long Stanley Tape Measure.
Stretch it out, and lock it in...
to the number in which you think you will live until.
For most people, the average age is 76, so you can start there if you like.
Or just pick "your" ending age and lock it in.
I used 76, 76 is 6 and 1/2 feet.
As you look at the out stretched tape measure, view that as your life.
Whatever number you choose, each inch is one year of your life.
Next, look for your current age.
I am 56, so from 1 - 56 is gone, forever, that was my life so far.
My future, is what's left of the tape measure.
I was unable to view the beginning of the tape measure...
in fact, most of that part of my "life" is not visible.
What I could see, is what I have left.
Some might say, it's almost over, or that this is a sad story.
I say, I am glad I heard the tape measure story...
those inches I have left, are going to be awesome!!!
My Orchids opened on Christmas Day, just like a Christmas Miracle!!
I believe in miracles!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday Critters ~ 54 ~

Our Nut House...

where there are always enough "Nuts" for everyone!!

Sharing my Blue Jay images from November 13, 2014 with 
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen
for Saturday Critters stop by and consider joining in,
any ole' critter will do!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Six Words Friday ~ Gift ~

 Gift Giving...
 always makes me happiest!!

Sharing these Gifts I made for Addie with 
Adrienne at My Memory Art ~ Six Words Friday
Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Warm & Fuzzy...


Monday, December 22, 2014

Our Living Room, For Christmas

A few weeks back,
I showed you all the holiday decorations in the family room.
The living room is decorated in a completely different way.
Because it is naturally blue, I don't like the way red and green look in there.
So, I have used lots of gold's, browns and blue's.
It's non-traditional but it has some charm.
It's a big room, I try not to overwhelm it.
Let's take a peak...

This small table is in the entry way...
I switch it out for every holiday.
The house is getting old, but for us, it's warm and cozy, it's home!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Homemade Christmas!!

I have been trying to make most of my Christmas presents this year.
I LOVE giving and receiving homemade gifts.
So thoughtful and meaningful, every handmade gift I have ever
received, I still have.
Each special gift I give, is near and dear to my heart.
I finished two more hats. 
I really like this Alpaca Fiber and 
the way it forms a pretty natural pattern.
It is fun, easy to work with and makes a super warm hat.
I think I have completed twenty two in total.

In addition to the hats...

 I made these sugar body scrubs for the ladies...

 and these adorable S'mores Kits,

for the little ones.
I used one Hershey Bar,
2 large graham crackers
and one extra large snowman peep.
The kids are going to love them.

And I hope one day, soon after eating them,
they will sleep again.

I am still working on my "Keep Warm Kits"
Many have been shipped, hand delivered and given to friends.
Information on how to make "Keep Warm Kits" can be found here
on my blog entry.

As Christmas draws near,
I am excited to see my hats keeping all my loved ones warm and cozy!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Saturday Critters ~ 53 ~

My Dark Eyed Junco's have returned for winter,
and I could not be happier.
With the exception of cardinals, this is the prettiest
bird when it is surrounded with snow.

 This Junco was much darker then the second one that visited.

This one was more gray then black!! 

Sharing my Junco images from November 29, 2014 with 
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen
for Saturday Critters stop by and consider joining in,
any ole' critter will do!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Six Words Friday ~ Merry ~

Merry Gingerbread Houses
Peddlers Village, Pennsylvania

Sharing these festive Gingerbread Houses from Peddlers Village
that we saw on December 14, 2014 with 
Adrienne at My Memory Art ~ Six Words Friday
Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne