Hey Purp! SO glad to see that industrious fellow working over your cosmos. Had, not 60 seconds before, been contemplating the decline of bees in the world. (Not pleasant thoughts.) Your post cheered me up considerably. Waving at you from Maryland (in between coughing my head off -cruddy virus) m & jb (who tried to sleep with me on the couch last night -but, since I didn't get much sleep, neither did she)
Beautiful images of the cosmos, and the bee!!! I love the next post, too!! Especially the alpacas! I wonder what you do if you are waiting for a table, and do not have a cell? Yes, I live in that time...
Oh my gosh, the bee looks like he's part of the cosmos ... Just perfectly centered and perfectly happy there. I love your caption ... Bee-you-ti-ful indeed!
Hey Purp!
ReplyDeleteSO glad to see that industrious fellow working over your cosmos. Had, not 60 seconds before, been contemplating the decline of bees in the world. (Not pleasant thoughts.) Your post cheered me up considerably. Waving at you from Maryland (in between coughing my head off -cruddy virus) m & jb (who tried to sleep with me on the couch last night -but, since I didn't get much sleep, neither did she)
Lovely photos, such a pretty color Cosmo. Enjoyed seeing its little visitor also. Have a great week Debbie :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful images of the cosmos, and the bee!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the next post, too!! Especially the alpacas! I wonder what you do if you are waiting for a table, and do not have a cell? Yes, I live in that time...
Wow!!Gorgeous pictures of this beautiful flower Debbie!Lovely color!Great capture of the bee!!I hope you have a happy week!
suh-WEET! :)
ReplyDeleteThey really are beautiful! Be careful of that bee -- they're crazy this time of year!
ReplyDeleteMaravillosas Debbie!!They are very very beautiful.Happy monday :))
Love these photo's, and I love wildflowers! :)
ReplyDeleteI love bees
ReplyDeleteGreat shot of the bee in action! Love the color of the flowers-makes a nice contrast with the golds and reds of autumn.
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures Debbie. I love what a great shot you got of that bee.
ReplyDeleteOh, these are so pretty! When they catch the light just right, they sparkle! Hope you have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteThe color just pops on the flowers- very pretty. Always love to see the bees..seem to be so much easier to get a shot of them than the birds (for me)
ReplyDeleteDebbie, your Cosmos is so pretty. I love the color too. Lovely images, enjoy your week ahead!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! Love the bee in the center!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these beauties.
ReplyDeleteThese are really beautiful photographs, Debbie.
ReplyDeleteI think we might have one or two left, but for the most part, our Cosmos are all gone until next year.
Oh my gosh, the bee looks like he's part of the cosmos ... Just perfectly centered and perfectly happy there. I love your caption ... Bee-you-ti-ful indeed!
ReplyDeleteAw w, this are beautiful and I will want to use them for sure. You are so good at capturing lovely closeups.
ReplyDeleteTriple blessings on this one~
Beautiful cosmos, and awesome bee!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely gorgeous Debbie… we still have a few cosmos hanging on, but they are looking a bit raged around the edges:-)