
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Duke Chapel...

As promised yesterday, here are some of the images the hubs and I
took while inside the Duke Chapel.
  Built in 1932, they host Sunday Services, Weddings,
Funerals and Religious Services.

The Pipe Organ
used for Sunday Services, Recitals,
and the study of Organ Performance.

 Beautiful statues...

 gorgeous stained glass,

 I lightened this up a little...
 it is a spectacular Chapel.

 One last look at the alter...

and a peak at the incredible door!!
Breathtaking right?
Tomorrow, we are going shopping in North Carolina.
That was super fun!!

Sharing with Inspired Sunday, thanks Beth for inviting me!


  1. Awesome church! Looks like a very neat place to visit!

  2. Breathtaking, indeed! I still think you should work for National Geographic.
    xxoo, m & jb

  3. I'm not a particularly religious person, but I absolutely adore visiting old churches! They're always so peaceful inside! This one is exceptional!

  4. I wouldn't call that a chapel - much too large...
    But you are right, it is spectacular beyond words!!! I love the stained glass, and that macro of the door on your way out!!!

  5. i love the pointed arches. so stunning and impressive.

  6. What a beautiful church. I loved seeing that gorgeous stained glass and all the rich wood and all the brass and the... well, you get the picture! Thanks for sharing!

  7. It's stunning, and you got some beautiful pictures. It's hard to believe that something so extravagant could have been built when our country was at such an economic low-point. It must have provided a lot of jobs for some very skilled workers.

  8. wow, Mrs. Debbie hope u will share with us at Inspired Sunday this weekend! just gorgeous!!!

  9. Oh my goodness; such beauty I am in dumbstruck awe! Thank you so much, Debbie. I love these photo's. :)

  10. Well it really is breathtaking Debbie!What a beautiful Chapel!I like the stained glass and the statue!Excellent shots!!Thank you for sharing!

  11. I would think it would be a bit overwhelming to attend a service there! Such an impressive interior! Wow!

  12. These are really beautiful, Debbie.
    I love the colors and light.

  13. Breathtaking describes this post well Debbie, magnificent is another word i would use. Thank you for sharing this beautiful place with us.

  14. You are right, just breathtaking. I would love to go visit someday.

  15. Lovely place! That organ is amazing. Nice interior shots. Not always easy to get them. You did a great job.

  16. I was thinking the same as Charade, very expensive for that time in our history. I thought it was a waste of resources at first. I didn't think of the jobs, it created, though. Now I say, "Bravo!"

  17. So awe-inspiring! I love the colors in the window over the altar.

  18. Wooww ... How wonderful, I love vidrieras.Preciosas. Debbie.
    Good Wednesdays.
    a kiss.

  19. Oh, wow. I love ornate churches like this. Love being inside the quiet and feeling like it's one step away from heaven. Beautiful pics!!

  20. I would say that your pictures of the chapel are breath taking. I love the stain class and it is just a lovely place. I can just imagine the services in a lovely chapel like this.
    Blessings for these outstanding pictures.

  21. Awesome! I love stained glass with light streaming through.

  22. Wonderful shots of a wonderful church. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  23. Splendid photos of this wonderful church. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Beautiful, and look at that stained glass throughout. Wow.


  25. That is beautiful and the organ something else

  26. I was drawn to your initial photograph, but the rest are equally stunning. What a graceful, majestic, church. Love the stained glass - you've captured it really well too.

  27. Yes, breathtaking. These elaborate old cathedrals and church buildings are a sight to behold.
