
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Blues!!

I LOVE my Blue Jays, I really do...
and quite honestly, I think they get a bad rap.
 They don't eat and run fly...

 and they pose beautifully for pictures.

 They check with me first before flying off... "Did you get your shot"??

 They seem humble and grateful for the food I provide.
The best on the block, I am sure!!

Beautiful colors, gorgeous markings...yep, for me...
they really are one of my favorites!!
This summer I have been noticing the tips of their tails are whiter.
Or they appear to be whiter.
Has anyone else noticed that?? Is it a summer thing??
Or perhaps a male/female thing.
Maybe someone can help a girl out, inquiring minds need to know!
Images from my Blue Jay date on July 28, 2014


  1. The exotic Blue Jay is always welcome at my bird feeder.

  2. I agree they get a bad rap, Debbie. I love my blues too! Nice shots of the beautiful jays.

  3. They are the blues... but they are also bullies! Maybe the ones in NJ are nicer than ours here in Georgia! :-)

  4. Beautiful birds! Nice of them to be considerate of photographers ;)

  5. They really are beautiful birds!!! I love the patterns in their feathers!

  6. So beautiful. My birds have finally noticed my feeder, I just adore watching them!

  7. no idea on the tail tip. i do think they're remarkably beautiful birds that we take for granted. :)

  8. Your blue jays are always so nice.
    They really look good. Not to mention happy.
    Very nice shots.

  9. It is true - Blue Jays get a bad rap! I have seen them, though, snatch food from another bird and fly off. But that's just nature in the raw. They are beautiful and blue is my favorite color! I'm sure all the birds love the smorgasbord at Debbie's!!

  10. I love Blue Jays too. I especially like to hear their "call".

  11. between the Blue Jays and Cardinals, I can sit and watch my feeding stations for hours. (The doves, wood peckers, titmouses make it fun too)

  12. Blue Jay is a very preety bird Debbie!Wonderful pictures!

  13. Haha. I love blue jays too. They spend all winter at my feeder, annoying the other birds - and even each other! But they sure are beautiful creatures.

  14. Debbie, I did enjoy your blues! Very pretty poses! Great shots!

  15. Posing just for you! I love it, and your photo's. So beautiful! :)

  16. So gorgeous, Debbie! The pattern on their wings is quite remarkable.

    Have a great afternoon! Hugs

  17. They are beautiful, and I think they get a bad rap too. These look so blue, they're almost purple!

  18. i hope you figure it out. i am curious now. if you hear - please inform us too. they look very happy. peanuts & all. ( :

  19. Great photos! They do love those peanuts! Mine aren't as cooperative as yours. They take a long time deciding if they're going to come in and then they grab and go with as much as they can carry.

  20. I love them because they remind me of...well...ME! Super-big PIA's!

  21. I'm a big fan of blue jays. We have a few who visit our yard and feeders regularly. NICE photos!

  22. Love the blue jay! I have no clue on the tail tip being more white...hmmm. The ones around here are so skittish, refusing to pose for me. You must know how to charm them! :)

  23. Beautiful pictures and I love the colors. Of course, blue and white are favorite colors of mine. Interesting about the white tails; I might read up on that.
    I like the idea that they pose and that they seem grateful for the food.
    I think this Blue jay is adorable.

  24. Your birds are so lucky to have you, Debbie!
    I don't know about the tail, but this sure is a handsome fella!

  25. I really love the bluejays, too! Nice shots of this amiable little guy!

  26. Noticeably fewer blue jays in our area this summer, but when feeders are out they are frequent visitors, which is ok with me. Its the starlings and grackles ai dislike. Trued finding out about the white feather predominance without success. Let us know if you ever figure it out, adebbie.
