
Monday, July 21, 2014


 when you first hear it,
 you are sure there is a cat in your yard,
but it's not a cat...

 It's a Gray Catbird

 They are so friendly...

 so curious...

 so completely relaxed around me...

and so close that I can't get "all of him" in an image
when shooting with my 300 mm lens!!
Always dressed to impress with their black caps on,
this entry is dedicated to my dear friend
she loves them and they don't visit her at the ranch.


  1. When I hear meow coming from a tree, it is usually Josephine! But we have had cat birds here in the past, and they ARE pretty. It's touching the way they all love you. You are Birdie Mama!

  2. Oh Theresa is going to love it. I have never seen or heard one either but I will be listening for them. Great shots. Hug B

  3. I do like them too! They are quite unassuming things.

  4. Debbie you captured him beautifully. You have a friend....what are you feeding him:) Hugs, Bonnie

  5. HI Debbie Tex will love him when she sees him. Really handsome and it is lovely that he is so friendly to be able to get so close to him.

  6. i saw your title and truly expected a cat. and then... TA DA!!! my friend presents my catbirds! :D

  7. Crazy! I don't think I've ever heard one of them. Happy Monday - hope things are calming down a bit in your neck of the woods...

  8. Gorgeous shots of this pretty bird!

  9. Such great photo's, and I'm happy that you surprised Theresa! :)

  10. he/she really does have such style. catbird are not nice birds. i have heard many stories. but they do make interesting sounds/noise. ha. ha!! ( :

  11. I'm catching up on all your weekend posts! Little Addie and her sister are so precious -- looks like a great party!! I've never seen nor have I heard a cat bird. I'll have to be more alert!

  12. great shots....i don't know if we have them here, or if we do, i probably always thought it was a cat!

  13. What a beautiful bird Debbie!
    Great captures!Wonderful photos!I'm sure Tex is going to love it!!

  14. Wonderful shots! I gave never heard a cat bird. Or maybe I did and thought it was a cat. lol

  15. They are handsome birds and like cats in more ways than just in voice apparently. Nice series of photos!

  16. That sounds like a really neat bird.

  17. Debbie, pretty shots of your Catbird.. have you seen it at your jelly feeder, I heard they like grape jelly. Enjoy your evening and the week ahead!

  18. Oh my I didn't know that there was a bird named Catbird. The pictures were magnificent. I would have to say amazing. My husband told me he is going to get a bird feeder so we can see if we attract some birds into our yard. We will then try to capture some pictures.
    Blessings for your inspiring pictures~

  19. Gorgeous photos, Debbie! We don't have any of these hanging around. Catbirds are very handsome!

  20. I've heard of these, but am sure I've never seen or heard the sound they make. He sure is a handsome fella, and these photographs are really fantastic!

  21. I've never heard of a catbird. Sounds like they are quite interesting.

  22. I am not familiar with this bird, but would love to hear them.

  23. I've only seen a catbird twice in our area, wish I saw them more often. Beautiful images of your little friend!

  24. Your shots are beautiful, Debbie! They belong in a bird book!

  25. So nice. Lovely pictures.
    There is a bird here also that sounds like a cat sometimes.

  26. I love these. I don't know if we have them or not, but I've certainly not seen one!

  27. These are some of the best shots I've seen of this elusive bird. Seriously. And they do sound exactly like a cat!

  28. The Catbirds are very welcome on my yard. You have great pictures of this one.

  29. Fantastic pictures! You did such an amazing job! Such clarity, color and detail. Love these photos!
