
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good Fences ~ Edition 11 ~

I love white horses,
heck...I love all horses!!
I see these horses all the time,
but they are never by the fence out by the road.
On April 18th, not only were they by the fence,
they were posing for pictures.

The fence is nice, the horses are gorgeous!!

I am super excited to be sharing these pretty country fences with
for Good Fences.
Stop by and consider joining in the fun, any fence or gate will do!!
And trust me, there are a lot of pretty fences out there
that need to be photographed and shared!!  


  1. Good morning early riser (like me). Someday I'm gonna beat you to it by leaving a reply before you post your post! LOL! My favorite horses are the gray ones. As they age, they turn white. At least that's how it works with thoroughbreds. I had quite a relationship with a gray horse named Family Ghost aka Ghostie at Laurel racetrack where I helped out by walking horses. If I didn't greet him before all the other horses, he got thoroughly miffed. He was quite the nuzzler. Horse lips are the best -velvet covered jello!
    As usual, loved your pix. xx, m

  2. I love horses too! They are beautiful! Great fence shots! Have a happy day!

  3. Oh I know why this attraction to white horses they go back to the olden days where the good guys always rode up on a white horses and not only that but the handsome knights rode white horses while saving and sweeping the princess off her feet. Sounds about right. :) Nice B

  4. The horses win over the fence I"m afraid. They are just beautiful. xo Jenny

  5. The horses are playing hide and seek with you! Hiding behind the fence, and using it to block their eyes so you can't see them...

  6. definitely playing peek-a-boo with you!

  7. Lovin' these beautiful horses...and, the fence is nice, too. :)
    I'm following you thru Google Friends Connect....
    Come by when u fences aren't nearly as neat as yours, tho. :)

  8. My first time at fences link up. I love that first photograph - as if the horse is just peeking over the cross bar.

  9. Peek a boo horses. They are lovely aren't they!

  10. Nothing makes a good fence like beautiful livestock behind it.

  11. I love horses, too--such beautiful animals! These posed quite well for you. :-)

  12. Love that fence, but really love seeing those beautiful horses.

  13. Oh, those are such nice shots!

    Visiting from Good Fences #11


  14. Beautiful horses, and photo's! Actually, I don't think I've ever seen a white horse! :)

  15. .... and, playing peek-a-boo through the slats....

  16. How cool! White horse and white fence...lovely!

  17. I think many of us are cheered by seeing horses. I know I am. Thanks for the pics. :-)

  18. Such beautiful horses Debbie!!I love horses!!The fence looks so nice!!Gorgeous pictures!!

  19. These horses are GORGEOUS, Debbie.
    I like the fence too! :-)

  20. They are beautiful. I love it when the animals pose so nicely.

  21. Sometimes they cooperate. They are certainly beautiful. Glad they decided to let you take their photo!

  22. I'm a horse lover too - such noble and beautiful animals. I think I read every horse book in the library when I was a kid. The Black Stallion series was my favorite. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  23. I LOVE the white fence and the white horses! I thought today was Wednesday - duh - and missed posting my fence. I'll do it next week. lol

  24. Those are some beautiful horses! They go well with the fence! :-)

  25. Well you've at least admitted that you love "all" horses. Very evident from your wonderful horse photos. These are very nice looking horses, sort of makes you forget there's even a fence there.

  26. I have made several snap shots similar to these. I drive by a place real often that has great horses.

  27. Those white horses are beautiful. They look like they belong pulling the carriage in a fairy tale!

  28. Great fences and beautiful horses. The one on the left has an eye on you at all times... perhaps a "treat might be in that nice lady's hand" kind of look?
    Cheers now :D)

  29. So beautiful!!! Love how they match the fence!

  30. just love the interest one horse is showing in you... They are beautiful ...

  31. Great views of these lovely white horses peeking at you over the fence!
