
Friday, May 30, 2014

The Smithville Bakery

On April 5, of this year we caught a gorgeous day and headed down to
I posted all the wonderful details about that trip here.
What I never got a chance to share were pictures of

 The cutest little historic bakery,
displaying some of the most amazing antiques I have ever seen.
Serving up an awesome breakfast, home baked breads,
cookies, cupcakes and all things wonderful.

If you visit Smithville, don't miss the Smithville Bakery!


  1. Man, oh man, oh man. Haven't been to Smithville in years. It really has had its ups and downs. Seems like it's on an up tick again with lovely quality shops like that bAkeRy. Wow.

  2. Looks like my kind of place...really neat!

  3. Debbie, everything looks delicious..What a cute bakery..Happy weekend!

  4. You take great indoor pictures! The lighting looks so natural.

  5. What a cute place! I'll take 2 blueberry breads!

  6. Blueberry bread! Be still my grumbling tummy. :) I have a weakness for pastries and baked goods. I'll bet it smelled wonderful in there!

  7. OMG Debbie!!I'm in love with this bakery!!!Everything looks delicious,and most of all the blueberry breads!Lucky you!!Have a happy day!!

  8. really sweet atmosphere - i'm sure made even better by the aromas of baked goods! good thing i just ate my french bread with peanut butter or i'd be starving! :)

  9. Easter must be a fav time of year for you.... with all the purple .....

    YIkes! $7.95 for a loaf of bread... yeh, it looks good and all..but,... okay, that does I'm baking raisin bread.....and, it won't cost that much ..well, with electricity getting as high as it is..maybe it will....hahhahha... still I want some now......

  10. What a deliciously beautiful place!!

  11. Oh well, now I want a cub claw. Thank you very much. :)

    Seriously, what a neat place! I can wander around for hours looking at all it holds.

    LOVE the pics. Very nice, and wouldn't you know I posted about a pie this morning. LOL

    Have a happy day. :)

  12. I can even smell it!! Now I'm hungry!

  13. So not fair...I just had a Blackberry Yogurt for breakfast and now I'm super hungry because of all these delicious looking sweet treats. Mmmmm, at least I can't gain weight looking at them!

  14. Oh YUM! The baked goods look so delicious! And what a gorgeous little bakery, with such perfect ambiance! I just love it!

  15. If I ever made it there I would go just because of the pictures you post. I feel like when I look at that good stuff, I can almost smell the baking.
    I guess I should go eat lunch. :)

  16. i would love to visit that bakery!!

  17. Those baked goods look fantastic.

  18. Oh MY GOSH!! I would LOVE that place. I have such a sweet tooth! LOVED this post!! I'm still drooling.

  19. I just LOVE the decor, Debbie, and everything looks so delicious.

    Wishing you and Chuck a wonderful weekend! xo.

  20. Always nice to see these small shops still in business.

  21. What a great place! I bet the baked goods are delicious!

  22. Drooling....not a pretty look.

  23. Please do not tempt me with some good foods.

  24. A great place to have a coffee with biscuits
    a kiss.

  25. What a great bakery; the baked goods look so good. I love the quaint look. It is a place i would love to go to someday. I love old fashioned places.
    Blessings for a few memories today!

  26. We love bakeries - and this is a beauty.
    That cute wooden bird and homemade pie sign caught my eye too :D)

  27. If I went there, I'd probably spend a small fortune.
