
Friday, March 7, 2014

Six Words Friday ~ Push ~



Bye, Bye, Snow...

Sharing images from March 3rd of my handsome snow "guy" with
Adrienne at My Memory Art ~ Six Words Friday
Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne.
Many thanks Adrienne for hosting Six Words Friday,
it's both challenging and fun!


  1. We are waiting for the snow blowers to go on sale in the spring. Hubbers has never used one, but he's getting older. I am afraid he might have a heart attack shovelling if we get as much snow next year as we did this year!

  2. Great photos for the 6 word challenge.

  3. oh my...laughing out loud at my desk! Just perfect! I loved yesterday's sweet little birdie on the snow covered branches - especially when he was staring right back at ya!!

  4. Ugh why does your snow look so beautiful when ours looks yucky? It's almost gone now, just a few patches on the north side. Last night we had deer in our front yard picking through the acorns and the fresh corn chops we share with the birds. I have been reading your blog on Bloglovin but it won't let me leave a comment. Today I am back on Google Chrome. Please keep those gorgeous photos posted, New Jersey is more beautiful than I ever thought.

  5. I love watching people work:) Good job. Hug B

  6. How nice to have a snow blower.
    I bet you will be glad to have more of spring.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. You are so lucky to have that handsome guy to push, shovel, and blow the snow! We had 8 inches the other day and I had to hire someone to blow it.

  8. Hmmmm...this looks familiar. My guy was doing the same thing! Fingers crossed that it's over for the season!

  9. What a winter for my family and friends up north!

    Whew, I miss my hometown of Boston but this winter glad I live in Florida!

    Everyone needs a snow blower these days.

    Wish the teenagers would knock on doors like they did years ago with shovel in hand. They made money and the homeowner was happy not having to shovel.

  10. Here I am complaining about our little sleet days. Yikes. You do have a good man there to do the snow job. Looks like hard work!

  11. Oh Debbie, how funny! I had to go back a second time to catch the six words.

    You live in Brick?! My old stomping grounds! I used to live in the Laurelton section going out Rt 88 toward Point. Then I lived in Toms River for a total of 38 years. Have been in Maryland for almost 17 years now, but the daughter, son-in-law and grandkids are in Hamilton. So we trek north on a regular basis.

    Happy Weekend!

  12. Way to go, Chuck! I think the snow blowers are a godsend. Great post for your 6 words! And I hope that snow goes away for good soon.

  13. Wow... glad you are getting all that snow.... aren't you the gal who loves it:))!!

  14. How nice to have a snow blower Debbie!Your hubby did a great job!!
    Lucky you!!

  15. That snow blower looks like a handy machine ... handsome operator too ;D)

  16. I am happy to say bye-bye to the snow.. Cute photos of your snow guy!! Thank God for all snow guys!
    Happy Weekend!

  17. I think you have more snow than we have! lol

  18. I would choose the snow blower over the shovel, any day!

  19. awesome - absolutely perfect for the word prompt!

  20. Oh, MY!!! What a difference in our weathers! I will NOT whine about it being chilly tonight in our gazebo!

  21. Wow I can't even imagine what that much snow would be like

  22. Great six-words. Best are the two last ones "bye snow"
    Is not it nice to create snow, sees the handprint immediately :)

  23. I'll be glad when that's over. I've done too much of the first two this year!

  24. Your shoveling brings back not so distant memories. Normally, we are shoveling out from under the snow. This year, in the Rocky Mountains, we've just gotten lots of rain in the valleys. I've enjoyed it this year.

    You must be glad to see the snow coming to an end!

    I'm new to Six Word Fridays and looking forward to participating!

  25. Great post - great snow - great snow moving guy - and I'm glad the snow is all yours - we're happy with our rain. LOL

  26. Good machine for snow. Over here we have good weather, for now ;)
    a kiss.

  27. We haven't had to do that kind of pushing this year, although this reminds me of our first year in Idaho, when my son had his first experience of pushing snow. We've only had a few dustings here in Germany this winter, despite the promise of more. I don't mind too much, my son was very disappointed that he didn't get to use his new sled!!

  28. Oh this was a cute one. We bought a new snow blower this year and only had to use it once. It has snowed a bit but the first snow storms my hubby used the shovel.
    Blessings for your husband on this one!
