
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Orchid Extravaganza

I have only shared a few images from our adventure in Longwood Gardens
on February 20, 2014.
Longwoods seasonal display right now is called
The Orchid Extravaganza.
We have season passes, so we try to visit as each of the seasons change.
Located in Kennett Square, Pa. it is about a 2 hour ride from home.
It's a quiet, peaceful ride, with lots to see along the way.

We took a lot of pictures... 
so I'm just going to do a "picture explosion", I hope you enjoy it!!

Pictures of the hubs and I together here at Longwood tomorrow!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Love Peanuts!!

Hey missy...we're out of nuts!!
February 13, 2014 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snail Mail & Winning a Give-A-Way!!

Don't you just love snail mail?
I love sending it and of course, I adore receiving it! 
Cards, notes, small packages...with actual handwriting on them,
be still my heart...
I recently won a give-a-way at
Here's a peak at what Kim sent me...

 Orange Mint Soap, Spring Blossom Body Butter,
Citrus Lip Balm and Rose Lotion Bar
Heaven in a box for my dry, winter skin.
When I opened the package, it smelled like Spring in a box.
I will not be sharing it with Junior the squirrel.

This was in the box as well.
Thank you Kim, you have a heart as big as your farm.
Thank you for sharing it with me.
I hope you'll visit with Kim At My Field of Dreams
She lives on a farm, takes amazing pictures
and shares the best stories.
As for the products she sent, they are amazing.
I was determined to pick a favorite item, so it would be the body butter,
but everything is just wonderful.
I used the Body Butter on my hands yesterday,
I washed them at least 5 times during the day,
they were still fully moisturized and they smell so sweet!!
And for those who might be interested,
the products can be found and ordered at Bumble Wood Handmade.
Follow the link and check it out...great stuff!!
Thanks Kim, your the best!!

Last week, I also received this via snail mail...

A hand made winter cap to keep me toasty warm
during this frigid Jersey winter!
What a wonderful surprise!

Look at all those beautiful colors, hugging all that pretty purple.

This gorgeous hat was hand made just for me by
Buttons at Buttons Thoughts

Buttons also lives and works hard on a farm.
She tells amazing stories and shares beautiful pictures.
Please visit Buttons, she has become a dear friend as well.

Thanks Buttons, I will treasure this always!! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feed Me!!

I know their call...
Two whistled notes, the first higher then the second,
to my ear, it sounds like "feed me"...and feed them I do!!
 It is the Black Capped Chickadee

 They visit year round and are the friendliest bird that comes to the feeders.
 They rarely fly away when I sit and watch them...
they pose beautifully for the camera...
and rarely allow a branch to come between them and my lens.
 They sing for treats...

and take off slowly, to allow for a picture. 
They are just the sweetest little birds, dressed for winter...
don't you just love their jet black caps?
Images taken on February 17, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Song-ography ~ Hazy Shade of Winter ~ Edition 29

Is a hazy shade of winter, down by the riverside
It's bound to be a better ride

Look around, leaves are brown...
Look around, grass is high...

Fields are ripe, it's the springtime of my life...
Seasons change with the scenery...
Weaving time in a tapestry...won't you stop and remember me?
Sharing today's Bangles Song written by Paul Simon with
Follow the link, check it out, this is a fun one!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday Critters ~ 12 ~

 Here's Junior...


 more must be dry winter skin.

  more scratching...

The End!!
Images taken February 17, 2014

I am super excited to be joining in with Eileen over at
for Saturday Critters.

Stop by and consider joining in, any critter will do!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Six Words Friday ~ Twist ~







Images taken yesterday February 20th at Longwood Gardens
Kennett Square, Pa.

Sharing my images of this little slice of heaven with
Adrienne at My Memory Art ~ Six Words Friday
Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne.
Many thanks Adrienne for hosting Six Words Friday,
it's both challenging and fun!