
Friday, November 15, 2013

Six Words Friday ~ Hold ~

Hold'on to me as we go...

Sharing today's special moment with
Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne.
Many thanks Adrienne for hosting Six Words Friday,
it's both challenging and fun!


  1. Oh Debbie you should see the huge smile on my face my friend this is perfect. HUGS xo B

  2. Aw, how sweet is that! Brought a smile to me first thing this morning. Perfect six words to go with the photo.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Aww~ you guys are just the sweetest couple ! Great shot of you and the scenic lake and Autumn tree ...but the smiles are what light up the whole shot :)

  4. can i just say you guys are my favorite Blog Couple in bloggy land ... you are too cute!! big big hugs. ( :

  5. This pictures say's enough...... hold on .... never let her go !

    Greetings and i wish you both a lovely weekend .


  6. Oh you guys are so sweet . Number one top couple of our blogers.
    Keeping the fire burning in your marriage never let the fire go out. Your prove.

    You must have your own photographer with you when you go places.

    Did you guys go to Niagra Falls in Sept of this year?

    I was intouch with a gal and her email slipped away on my side bar in hotmail. I have completely gone senior moments wit her first name. How awful is this.

    I cannot find her. She and hubby planned to go to Niagra Falls in Sept past.

    They were planning on the Canadian side for a week.

    If not. If you had a couple. Knowing you know everyone.

    Her and hubby were excited in going.

    Matter of fact. I sent her places to go. Yet in the meantime. I deleted all my sent emails.

    Like Niagra on the Lake I recomended.

    I feel so bad.

  7. I said this very thing to my husband early this week! He, in turn, made a smart alec comment...and made me laugh. Which is why he's perfect for melancholy ol' me!! So grateful for this part of our journey and that we are still 'traveling' together!

  8. It has been for so many years.

    It will be for many many more years.

  9. Beautiful! I love the smiles and the love that pours from your image.

  10. So beautiful! I love seeing your smiles. And we all need someone to hold on to.

  11. Cute, cute cute. AND I love the fall backdrop!

  12. Lovely!
    Greetings from Holland, RW & SK

  13. So sweet! Beautiful couple, beautiful lake and trees = beautiful photo!

  14. So lovely, you are a beautiful couple!

  15. Precious moments make priceless memories :)

  16. A sweet photo, perfect for your six words. Have a happy weekend, Debbie!

  17. Oh love this precious picture with your hubby. The scenery is awesome too.
    Blessings !
