
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Posing for Peanuts

I usually buy "shelled" peanuts for my feathered friends.
It's less work for them,
and they get more bang for their bite!!
For myself, I get them "In" the shell,
it's cheaper and I kinda like "working for it" a little.
I ran out of the shelled ones, so I shared mine...
My Titmouse seemed a little surprised...
checking twice to be sure he was at the right house.
It didn't take long for him to make his selection and be on his way!!
The pretty Blue Jays didn't mind either...
picking was super quick and easy,  
he posed long enough for a good picture and flew off!
October 23, 2013


  1. do u think that they would eat the shell too? i wonder? i bet it is full of fiber & bird get up & go energy. ( :

  2. I see this little bird is really hungry :)
    Greetings, Ela

  3. Beautiful bird photos!
    Greetings, RW& SK

  4. HI I wonder were they able to open the shells. wonderful clear photographs.

  5. Great shots of the birds. They definitely can open the peanut shells!

  6. So do they fly up on top of your roof to open them? We have birds opening pecans and walnuts this time of year on our roof. Do I dare tell you how many times I have went to answer the door thinking some one was knocking. I think I would buy them that kind just to watch their funny faces. I love that look on the Titmouse's face.

  7. Oh, the colors! So kind of you to share ;-)

  8. i knew the jays would have no problem, but that titmouse is so darn cute with that loot!

  9. Great pictures. My Blue Jays just get the ones in the shell.

  10. What awesome photos. You are able to catch them at a perfect time. I liked your story words too.

  11. We have a peanut feeder that we put whole peanuts in. It's a real hoot watching the titmice fly off with their catch. Sometimes they drop them and turn around and dive down to get them. The blue jays, on the other hand, just grab and go. You got some great pics!

  12. The peanut looks about as big as the tick mouse.....You are sweet to buy peanuts for your birds....

  13. I enjoy the thought balloons for the little birds. They're so beautiful, AND clever!

  14. Cute poses! I am glad they stopped long enough for you to take their photos. The Titmouse here are kind of quick! Great shots, Debbie!

  15. Oh my goodness, Debbie, that peanut is almost as big as the titmouse! These shots are adorable!

  16. Ha ha ~ that little titmouse had the cutest look on his face.

  17. Beautiful shots of the little birds! You caught that titmouse's personality.

  18. If Iput peanuts out like that I would have every squirrel in the neighborhood in my backyard. Tickle an Sherman would be having a hay day chasing the squirrels Great shots so pretty and vibrant.

  19. Such sweet photos! And I love your comments. That peanut is about as bit as the little titmouse, but he is obviously not going to let that stop him! The birds must love that Debbie's house. :-)

  20. Hi Debbie... Omg that peanut is almost as big as the Titmouse!!
    How comical a shot that is!! : )
    The Blue Jays are gorgeous colors aren't they ...if they just wasn't so noisy and piggish !!

    Good shooting!!


  21. That's a big mouth full for the little titmouse!

  22. That little titmouse is so cute! The peanut is almost as big as he is!

  23. Your Titmouse is so cute.

    Debbie, you catch him so good that it feels like I'm sitting there and look at him!

  24. WOW!! What a amazing shots!!

  25. I hope to see episode II on how they break the shell.

    Are they as clever as us?

  26. that peanut was as big as the little titmouse~

  27. Wonderful and sweet photos of the birds and their peanuts. I leave out peanuts for the squirrels. The birds get bird seed. - This morning I had a ton of crows out front grabbing up peanuts though.

  28. These are great! I bet it's a bit easier for the jay than the titmouse. That's a big meal for the little guy.

  29. Oh it seemed to be saying thank you for the food! Gorgeous one and not just because I love everything blue ♥

  30. Lovely colored birds and your pictures are very nice.

    such lovely birds we don't have here in Holland.

    Greetings and i wish you a nice weekend, Joop
