
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Getting My Craft On!!

We are getting a new roof.
And even though the roof is outside,
because they are replacing all my skylights,
it has been quite messy inside!!
And my lovely, perfect, day to day routine is all messed up.
Yesterday, I decided to make a small Scrapbook
with some special pictures from two trips to Hershey, Pa.
To keep my mind occupied and not concentrate on the mess.
Here's what I made with brown paper lunch bags...
The Cover...


Back Cover

I sewed three lunch bags together, then folded the bags at the sew line.
The finished "book" is 5 1/4 by 5 1/4 inches.
The open tops, which end up on the sides,
make perfect little "envelopes/pockets",
to hold tags with maps, tickets, room keys
or any other fun memeborilia you might want to save from your trip. 
I have a BIG project planned for tomorrow...
stay tunned!


  1. That is adorable!!! I love it. I want to make that and I want to go to Hersey! I love the picture of you with the wings.

  2. oh, the hubby & i loved Hershey, PA. what a great place. the smell of chocolate is every where. yum!! i love your photo book. so festive. i hope the work on your home is quick. i totally understand that distraction. no fun at all. but just wait until it is all lovely again. something to look forward too! i always wanted sky lights. watch the moon at night or stare at the stars. ( :

  3. That is such a cleaver idea!! Can't wait to see what you're up to next. Don't let those roof walkers get on your nerves!!!

  4. Great job and so creative! I love those photos with the big chocolate bars. Did you bring one home? :-) And such a sweet picture of you with butterfly wings. Good luck with the roof work.

  5. Lovely is your Scrapbook.
    Greetings, RW & SK

  6. Love it. You are a crafty lady also and creative. Like the butterfly wings attached to you.

  7. Very nice and creative Debbie..... i like this work ..... well done !

    Greetings, Joop

  8. OH MY WORD!! That is adorable!! Can't wait to look more closely when I'm not you know where so I can COPY it!!

  9. Oh I am so glad you are getting to craft. It is just the right season. I really love your bags and books.

  10. awesome! That is such a great idea and I love that you repurposed the bags. I am saving this post to my crafts folder and giving it a try later. Great photos of such a happy couple.

  11. If your roofers are as fast as ours were, it will soon be over and you can get back to your normal routine. I'm am amazed at how quickly it was all done. Of course they had about 10 men doing the work!

    I love your scrapbook and would never have guessed it was made using lunch bags! So cute!!

  12. You are "sew" creative! I love it!

  13. you ARE crafty! you made me crave chocolate, though. glad you found something to preoccupy yourself with all the hub-bub going on...

  14. You are amazing! Lunch Bags?!? Who would have thunk it? Awesome :)

  15. What a clever project! I love the finished product. And, I love Hershey -- not the theme park, but the other sites! We're having our roof done soon, too. I dread the mess!

  16. That is so cute. I have done those.... I'll have to remember that when I get around to doing my pictures!!

  17. That is a good idea. Debbie, you are so ceative !

  18. That is a good idea. Debbie, you are so ceative !

  19. hi Debbie. You are clever. This project was very lovley and creative.

  20. What a creative idea. Hope the roof work goes well.

  21. What a great idea! And so well executed. Good luck getting through the roof work. I hate when we have someone here working at the house.

  22. Debbie, your Hershey scrapbook is cute. I love your photos. Now I want a Hershey's Bar. YUMMY! Have a great evening!

  23. What awesome scrap books you've created! They will be wonderful keepsakes.

  24. DARLING Debbie! Now you are making me hungry for chocolate!

    xo Danielle

  25. Debbie, this is wonderful!! How talented you are.

    We had out roof replaced over the summer. I didn't mind the mess that much, but oh the noise!!!

  26. Very cute lunch bags may have to try this.

  27. You are very clever, I would never thought of using lunch bags!!! Your book is looking great. I'm wondering what your next project is going to be. :))

  28. Oh, you go with your crafty self! This is very cute. :)

  29. I love your album, Debbie... Simple and cute!

    I had to have an operation and have been in and out of the hospital a lot in the last couple of months. I did't have the energy to comment, but I have read almost all of your posts.

    I'm starting to feel better but have decided to stop blogging. A little less time on the computer and more time with family and friends, I think that's what I need for now... xx

  30. What a fun little scrapbook. I've seen these brown paper bag books but have never tried one because my sewing skills, suck.
    Such fun times you had and all that yummy chocolate.

    I hear you on having routine's messed up. Yesterday they had the street in front of our house torn up all day and I had to park on the street about half a block from our house and trying to turn around in the street with all their equipment was a real pain.

  31. So very cute! I can't wait to see your next project. Hugs! Bonnie

  32. What a fantastic album! It's so creative and beautiful! I love all the photos and it's given me a craving for chocolate.
