
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Feed The Birds...

Day before yesterday,
I decided to put some peanuts and bird seed on my deck rail,
and spend some time photographing the birds!!
Let me show you how well that went...
Junior showed up right away,
this is how he reacted to my "whistle blowing"
and yelling!!
I do have a whistle and I'm not afraid to use it.
Then it was back to business as usual...
he could care less that I keep yelling at him...
"That's not for you"!!


  1. Hahaha - I'm sure I would get similar results! They are kind of cute little buggers - and you got some great shots!

  2. Bird pics eh?:) an opportunist who knows a good thing when he sees it. Hug B

  3. Beautiful are the photos!!!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  4. i have never seen a squirrel that is so brown. what a cutie. & i don't say that often. i prefer chipmunks. squirrels kind of scare me. ( :

    maybe VA squirrels are more rough, they could use some vitamins or something??!

  5. Well, you wanted to know what would happen to all those seeds...
    I have some friends who keep a bag of marbles and a slingshot at the back door, for the squirrels...

  6. So cute Debbie! You took some great photos of this little darling.

  7. They're such rascals! I love their coloring, though!

  8. Haha! So it's not just me having squirrel problems....
    Lovely images.

  9. He just wanted to hang with you cause he loves you....(smile) you did get some great shots of the little monkey though....

  10. Debbie, I absolutely love these photos! What a sweet little darling.

  11. Rascal! Love the sunflowers...they are one of my favorites as well!

  12. I do not like squirrels at all. They're furry rodents who make a mess. I've had endless problems with them, too. Wish the birdies could have enjoyed your treat for them! I like the title -- Feed the birds, tuppence a day... from Mary Poppins!

  13. What a tail. Must be a lot of weight compared to his whole body size.


  14. Squirrels!

    They care not for our whistling!

    Greetings from Minneapolis,


  15. Funny, You did get some cute squirrel shots! Have a great evening!

  16. How funny. He's so cute! I put out seeds and peanuts for both the squirrels and the birds. It was funny this morning but the birds were fighting with the squirrels about who was getting in the feeder first.

    Your squirrels look so different from ours. I love the gray color they have on their tails.

  17. LOL! Tree rats are certainly persistent little buggers! Nice shots!

  18. He is just so mischevious, I want to keep him for a pet! God made them so darn cute!

  19. They certainly know how to turn a deaf ear when they want some seed.

  20. Awe but he is kind of cute isn't he and it makes a good picture too. :)
    Lovely shots you have got of him :))

  21. The squirrel it's so beautiful..nice shots Debbie

  22. This one was a fun one and you got some great shots of that little squirrel. When we lived in Washington we had a lot of these little critters and I loved to watch them. I miss all the animals in our back yard and there was a wetland below our property so we had a lot of different animals around.
