
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Don't Give Up the Ship!!

One of the many flags flying high at the Jersey Shore today!
This one is my favorite!! 
This flag flies in Bay Head, New Jersey,
a community that was destroyed by Super Storm Sandy.
Reminders of the storm are everywhere...

We didn't give up the ship,
I personally feel pretty proud of the "Jersey Shore",
an amazing place to grow up and grow old!

Happy Independence Day and
Happy Birthday to one of my bestest blogging buddies
in the entire word!!
Love You Theresa, I hope you have an amazing day!!


  1. Great Flag! Hope you have a fun, happy day...what am I saying - it's you I'm talking to. I know you'll have a great one! I so want to visit you and the Jersey shore!!!!

  2. Glad you didn't give up the ship. I would love to visit the Jersey Shore someday.
    I didn't know it was Theresa's birthday. I'll have to stop by and wish her a happy one. Happy 4th to you!

  3. Great flag.

    Happy Day to you.

  4. Love that "don't give up the ship" attitude!! Happy Independence Day!

  5. Happy Independence Day!

  6. Debbie, it is a great flag! Happy 4th of July to you and your family!

  7. do you mean Mrs. Texas? wow, you know lots of secrets in the bloggy land. Happy Birthday, Theresa ... did not know that.

    Happy 4th! ( :

  8. oh, you are a sweet, sweet woman! :) squeeze that chuck for me and tell him to squeeze you back for me! love you, too!

  9. It is such a treat to visit here and see places I wouldn't see otherwise. Such a great flag, too.

  10. Definitely something to be proud of. Love the flag!

  11. Oh the Jersey Shore has an amazing lady and one of my favourite people living there so I know it is incredible. Happy 4th of July Debbie and yeah Happy Birthday Theresa is another so Texas is incredible too. Enjoy Hug B

  12. Love the flag... and the advice!! Happy 4th.

  13. Nice composition with the fence and the cottage in the background.

  14. Made me smile Happy Happy Happy!!!!!

  15. So, you must be very happy right now,

    after having many happy comments.

  16. I think Bay Head is coolest little town on the Jersey.
    It's because I grew-up wandering those awesome beaches- it saddens me when I think of the things that will never be the same again.

    Thanks for the memories Debbie ~:)

  17. I may not live there anymore, but I still call myself a Jersey-girl :)

  18. What a great flag! It's nice to see flags like this :)
