
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Building the Nest

I enjoyed watching this Robin build his nest on May 3, 2012.
I never shared the pictures because they are not very good.
But during my big picture clean up project,
 I found them and I remember how happy it made me feel to
sit and watch this Robin building the all important nest!!

Busy male Robin,

gathering all the wet, dead grass!

Nice face plant, he also utilized the mud...

getting quite dirty,

and he used some green grass as well!

He spent the better part of the day,

building his beautiful home.
Then after a few minutes in the bird bath...
I thought he cleaned up nicely!! 


  1. They are such a family bird I see them as. They seem to have a cherry voice. Of course in Canada they are the first delight we see in Spring. They are such a happy bird preparing the nest for the wee ones to be. I agree with you.

    Great pictures.

  2. oh, i enjoyed this, too! he's quite the mason, using mud and other materials!

  3. Hi Debbie Birds are wonderful at making nests adn each bird has a different type of nest. Your Robin certainly did clean up lovely after work!! Have a great weekend. Margaret

  4. Oh Debbie...these are good! I'm so glad you decided to share them!

  5. Debbie, I am so glad you shared your nest building photos. It must have been fun watching the robin from beginning to the end bath time. He did clean up nicely!

  6. A great set of pics Debbie, it is amazing how birds make their nests isn't it? You are right he did clean up nicely :))

  7. How fun. When we lived in town, there were two violet swallows that used our dog's hair to build a nest. They didn't even care when the dog was attached. I wish I had gotten photos of that. Thanks for sharing. It did make me smile.

  8. As I saw the pic of him dirty, I thought ... good thing she has a bird bath! Then, sure enough, clean up he did! These were very fun. I love robins.

  9. I am so glad you shared these,they are a wonderful series.

  10. Well now I love these photos they look great to me. I also love to see men building a house especially the beautiful feathered ones:) B

  11. He did clean up nicely after all his hard work!! Great shots, and I'm glad you shared them!!

  12. Debbie, I love watching my little bird friends take baths. They just seem to enjoy it so much. Loved watching your robin. Bonnie

  13. Amazing how hard he worked and then took a bath when he was done. That's pretty neat :)

  14. Oh Debbie, these photographs are marvelous! Nest building takes a lot of work. I love that he took a bath after his housing project was completed. Fantastic post!

  15. We dirty our hands, but it dirties its

  16. Pracowity jest ten śliczny ptaszek. Pozdrawiam.
    Hardworking is this lovely bird. Yours.

  17. ╮✿ °•.¸

    Bela série de fotos.
    Bom fim de semana!
    °º✿♫ Beijinhos.
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  18. Like the swallows he collect mud. What a perfect timing to catch those photographs :)
