
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bringing Spring Inside

It's been a tad "chilly" outside.
It's been a long winter and we've had a lot of snow.
Yesterday it was 50 degrees out...
now all of a sudden we peeps have become giddy over 50.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the warm up...
but come on mother nature, bring on the 60's & 70's, it's Spring!
I need color and I need sunshine.
Thursday, I planted Patio Dahlia's, in purple of course!
Have you ever purchased these kits?
I get them all the time at Christmas Tree Store.
Everything you need, including the pot, is included with the kit.
You start them inside and bring them outside for warm weather.
This is your soil. You add 2.5 cups of warm water,
and you get this.
Pot, soil, bulb and in 100 days,
you get blooms!
I'll keep you posted!


  1. I am loving the weather today! Yay for planting flowers!

  2. Love this idea, Debbie. They will so much fun!

  3. Wonderful idea! I will be waiting for the results.

  4. I've never tried those kits. Looks like the easiest thing ever.
    We had 60 degrees yesterday and it was wonderful. A little colder today and supposed to be down right cold tomorrow. :(

  5. Love the hydrangeas! Can't wait to see
    the green poke through that soil! Happy Easter to you!

  6. Can't wait to see if you can keep it alive until it blooms!! Happy Spring, my friend!!!

  7. I love the hydrangea. Love the beautiful blue. I've never bought a kit for myself, but I have given them as gifts. I can't wait till you can show off the dahlias. Oh...I saw some really pretty purple flowers on pinterst the morning...ohhhh temptation!

  8. Fun, can't wait to see the flowers.

  9. Sounds like fun way of planting the flowers and easy! I like easy! I wish you and your family a happy Easter!

  10. I have actually had a kit like that with red Begonias.

  11. Yeah, I was one of those people feeling pretty happy with temps in the 50s - well, at least it isn't snowing (oops -did I just jinx us?) anyway, the hydrangeas are beautiful and I hope the dahlias bring you weeks of lovely blooms!

  12. I love the hydrangea! I've never used a kit, but it looks so efficient and convenient. I'll look forward to seeing the blooms!

  13. Not much of a spring around here either! I bought me some potted tulips the other day, just to bring a little spring insight the house.
    Come one warmer temps and planting season!!!
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and happy Easter!

  14. Cool... It will be about 2 months before I can think of outside flowers...I need some inside I guess.
    I can hardly wait until the temps stay about freezing here... I am grumbling that I am home and not sill in AZ:(

  15. Beautiful flowers! Good luck with the future ones, too!

  16. That looks so easy. I love hydrangeas and yours is so pretty. If I plant flowers outside, I have to build a fortress around them or hang them high to keep critters away.

  17. I'm ready for some sunshine and blooming flowers! I have crocus coming up in the yard and they are such a lovely sight for the gloominess we've had lately. Spring is here!
