
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ashley's Scavenger Hunt #39

This week's prompts for Ashley's Scavenger Hunt photo challenge are,
Water, Empty, Fresh, Weathered & Ordinary
It's just an Ordinary Day
March 30, 2013

Sharing all of todays new images with Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sunday
Happy Easter to all my wonderful friends and family!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bringing Spring Inside

It's been a tad "chilly" outside.
It's been a long winter and we've had a lot of snow.
Yesterday it was 50 degrees out...
now all of a sudden we peeps have become giddy over 50.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the warm up...
but come on mother nature, bring on the 60's & 70's, it's Spring!
I need color and I need sunshine.
Thursday, I planted Patio Dahlia's, in purple of course!
Have you ever purchased these kits?
I get them all the time at Christmas Tree Store.
Everything you need, including the pot, is included with the kit.
You start them inside and bring them outside for warm weather.
This is your soil. You add 2.5 cups of warm water,
and you get this.
Pot, soil, bulb and in 100 days,
you get blooms!
I'll keep you posted!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Six Words Friday ~ Fool ~

I'm just a fool for you!
Please stop by and share Six Words with Adrienne.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The View From Right Here

We live on a beautiful Winding River, with a great view!
February 15, 2013
A Misty Morning on the River
March 27, 2013
Diamonds Dancing in the Sun
No matter the weather, I always enjoy the view from right here!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Seaside by the Seashore

My favorite Sister and my bestest Aunt came for a visit this past weekend.
My cousin David came also, what a neat surprise.
We had a wonderful time.
Did I take lot's of pictures you ask, NO!
Have you ever noticed that when you are having
a lot of fun, you forget to take pictures.
We drove down to Seaside, to see how things are 
coming along since Super Storm Sandy.
I can't/won't take pictures of people's personal homes,
the devastation evident everywhere, would bring you to your knees.
Unfortunately, not much has changed since the storm hit on
October 29, 2012.
I spent my summers here in Seaside Heights at Funtown Pier.
My grandparents lived in Seaside Park, so most of my summer memories are here.
It's so sad that most of this Pier is gone.
The Casino Pier survived, looking as stately as ever!
March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Exciting News...

A few weeks ago I received the following email from Jess at Pillsbury:

Hi there, Debbie…
My name is Jess, and I’m the community manager for all of Pillsbury’s social media platforms. I feature a ton of blogger-created content – and one of our marketers passed along a link to your blog post about using leftover Cinnamon Rolls to make waffles. As it turns out, March 25th is National Waffle Day, and I’d love to make a collage out of your images, showing the progression from actual cinnamon roll on one day to waffles the next. Of course, I’ll mention your blog name and link back to your page. The content will run on Facebook, Twitter and I’ll also pin the collage to one of our Pinterest boards.
Let me know if this is something you’d be interested in!
ummmm...are you kidding me, YES!!
Here's the picture Pillsbury is Featuring on their Facebook page today.
Here's what they wrote:
Happy National Waffle Day, friends!
We love this idea from our friend at "It's All About Purple": Grands!
Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls one morning and waffles the next. 
Exciting stuff, you can view Pillsbury's Facebook Page here!
My orginal blog entry can be viewed here.
Those of you who know me, know I am...
"tickled pink" & "over the moon"!!
For me, this is just so exciting!!
Thanks Pillsbury, you really made my day!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In Hot Pursuit!

This adorable, teeny tiny Yellow Rumped Warbler
chases this cute little Chickadee all over the yard.
I don't think the Warbler knows its a Warbler,
and it seems he has traveled here alone.
I never see more then one at any given time.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Llama Love

Did you know that Llama is spelled with two "ll's"??
I had to google it!
The hubs and I were out and about
when out of the corner of my eye I spotted this...
adorable Llama!
The hubs was thrilled (insert cough)...
this was a spin the car around in a hurry moment.
I'm not sure why it's so urgent, to go back so quickly,
where exactly do I think the llama is going?
I found this cutie pie at a small petting zoo,
next to a private school on a major highway.
One I travel often, I have never noticed him before.
A poser for sure, this one loved all the attention.
I was so happy to see several goats, keeping company with the llama.
They had zero interest in the girl with the camera.
I really adore farm animals, I'm not sure why?
I mentioned that to the hubs,
I also said "I wouldn't last five minutes on a farm"
He said "I know"...Way to have faith in me!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Robin, I Wonder...

I spent the better part of the morning reading through my bird books,
searching for pictures and information about the American Robin!!
As an avid bird lover, how many books do I have, you ask??
I have five, but I really only need one.
This's my favorite, my go to book and the perfect bird guide!
The pages are worn and the cover is falling off,
part of the reason I love it so much.
This is my second favorite, because you can hear all
the beautiful songs of my backyard birds.
This is a great book also,
I didn't need it but it was only three dollars at
Christmas Tree Store, so I had to buy it!
These two are much older, I received them from a friend of my moms.
She was moving and no longer wanted them.
After browsing, reading and getting very distracted,
I didn't find what I was looking for, so off to Google I went.
How did we ever "find things out" without Google.
So here's the big question, I never found the answer to...
Why is this Robin's belly so white??
And this one so orange??
I took these pictures on March 17th, while it was snowing,
it wasn't snow.
And aren't Robins suppose to be a sign of Spring,
they have the date right but poor babies, the weather sure has been off.
So who will be first to answer that oh so important question?!?!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Barlow Flower Farm

My favorite Garden Center, here's the inside scoop!!
Everything Easter
Everything Spring...
flowers in every nook and cranny!!
Do you see those two cute little birds in the nest??
I picked up one, for my little nest.
The sign in the corner says
"How sweet it is to be loved by you"
And those bird houses, be still my heart!
Spring cuteness everywhere,
These two clocks were to die for.
Have you ever seen this much deliciousness in one place??
I'll have one of everything, pretty please!
I REALLY wanted this sign...the top row says "Cottage Rules"
but I don't live in a cottage, everything else is me.
Should I go back and buy it??
Hang it in my lovely abode, even though it's not a "Cottage"?
The correct answer is YES!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some Kind of Wonderful!

Yesterday I was very busy taking pictures, of Mr. Red...
sitting on the floor in my home office,
shooting through the glass window.
I stopped to look at the images and was so disappointed,
the windows are dirty from all the stormy weather
and I was so unhappy with the pictures.
The window was unlocked, so I decided to open it.
Much to my surprise, Mr. Red did not fly off.
He decided to stay,
and pose.
Here I am sure he see's me but he does not fly off.
One last perfect pose, a puff out and off he went.
If you feed them they will come!

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's The Last Snow

Long story...
If you follow my blog, you know I love snow.
Not a little, I love it a lot!
The last few weeks we have been getting a bit of snow.
Not a large quanity, just frequent, small "dustings",
up to a few inches.

Here's a peak at the back yard on March 8th.
Each time it snows, the hubs proclaims,
"this is going to be the last snow of the season,
you better get out there and get some pictures"!

Of course, I run outside, snapping away,
here's the backyard on March 17th.
But it just won't stop snowing and I have more pictures then I could ever share.
Most of them are sitting in the bowels of this computer,
never to be seen by another living soul.

Snow is in the forcast again today.

I love this picture,
the branch all the way to the left, how it's outlined in snow.

Taco's are planned for tonight,
the bird feeders, suet and bird bath are full.
Because the best part about snow, is eating and all the extra bird activity!!

Do you guys love the snow?? Or have you had enough??
I think I love it so much because I don't have to go anywhere.
I am home and able to enjoy it's beauty from the window!!

The hubs just said "get ready, this is going to be the last one"!
Oy he kidding!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Odd Couple

These two birds were just so funny...
A Female Cardinal and A Song Sparrow,
chillin' on the deck rail.
and chating!
They hung out together for about fifteen minutes on March 14th.
Then along came...
two steppin' Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Song Sparrow took off!
ps...I forgot it was St. Patricks Day,
Happy St. Pat's Day to all!!