
Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Photo Shoot with a Downy

This photo shoot with the Male Female Downy Woodpecker,
went on for more then three minutes.
It was hard for me to leave the window where we were shooting,
but geez, I was sure I had enough pictures.
I'll let you guys be the judge...
Nice Moves, Right??
I know this is too many pictures but how could one resist??
She just sits there, then she starts posing.
There is a suet hanging right above her, but she stays with me.
I know people think I am "bird crazy" but I really think the birds see me,
like me and are not afraid!!
Tomorrow, I'll try to post about "real life", promise!!


  1. Eu também acho lindas as poses e não dá pra deixar de fotografar. Fazes bem! Lindas! beijos,chica

  2. It's never too many pictures! I would have stayed at that window for an hour. I love these birds. We have many, many woodpeckers here. I"m pretty sure, though, that they don't like me as much!

  3. Downy's are my favorite! What birding isn't real life?

  4. Never too many pictures. Thank heavens we don't have to use 35mm film. Hubby would need a part time job!!! Great shots of your little feathered friend.

  5. But he was really asking you which was his best side, the left or the right, or maybe if you were looking up at him...
    I love those cupcake plates!!!

  6. Never too many bird photos! He really is posing for you.

  7. I love the "bird crazy" lady these are adorable and I am pretty sure he was enjoying the attention by the way he is posing. Beautiful. Hug B

  8. I have a pair of these cuties at my feeders. I take heaps of pics of them. Great shots, and I really do think he is posing for you!

  9. i didn't see any red on the head. you sure that's a male? cute little sprite.

  10. i didn't see any red on the head. you sure that's a male? cute little sprite.

  11. Love the tail feathers - polka dots on the outside, stripes underneath! Very snazzy! It's amazing to watch them watch their surroundings...never letting down there guard - so alert! This is a great set of shots!

  12. Bird watching and photography 'real' life.At least I think so. You got a great series of pictures.

  13. I love Downy's! She's a beauty!

  14. When you have a great photo shoot going you don't ask when do I stop...Your subject was certainly agreeable and I think you were obligated to shoot until he stopped posing for you....After all you didn't want to hurt his little feelings....I bet he will be back to visit you again.....

  15. hmmm I think you could of had a few more!!!:)

  16. Adorable!!! Birds ARE real life, my friend.

  17. I couldn't resist looking at each one. Each stands on its own and together they are a symphony.

    p.s. they're fun to watch too!

  18. Definitely not too many - every one of them is great! What a ham this little guy is - I probably would have taken about a hundred!

  19. I had a female Downy visiting today but she didn't stay to pose so nicely. Fun photos.

  20. I'm thinking this Downy is a she since there isn't a red patch on the head! I was just shooting a female a couple of days ago myself. They will sit still longer than most birds and are easier to get a clear shot. I think they are so cute! You got some great shots!

  21. Hello Dear Debbie!
    Gorgeous photographic series.
    Bird incredibly charming.
    Have a nice weekend.

  22. Debbie, please keep doing all of these photos. This one was awesome; truly great shots. After that Crow special on PBS; I do believe that birds are for more intelligent than we think they are.
    Blessings to you; I loved the pictures

  23. Great photos, I love bird photos. When a woodpecker came to visit my bird feeder I was so excited.

  24. I say keep shooting as long as she's willing to pose. Great shots.

  25. Well, I'd give you an Oscar for these photos!!!

  26. Beautiful photos, Debbie! We have a pair here and they love the suet. They rarely visit together, though. The male will chase the female away.
