
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First In Show

Who remembers my "just add ice" orchid??
It came with lot's of blooms but eventually they all faded.
And when I say faded, I mean...
I went several weeks with nothing, not one single flower.

But then, just like magic, on January 4th, I saw this,

and on January 28th it looked liked this.

It opened quickly and on January 30th it looked like this.

On February 2nd, this sight took my breath away!

This is what I'm looking at today, and there are several more on the way.
A "just add ice" orchid, if you ever see one, buy it.
It's worth every penny and I didn't kill it!


  1. i like the 'and i didn't kill it' comment. :)

    orchids are so interesting to me - beautiful yet totally alienish. :)

  2. Oh I was truly grasping for my air too it is breathtakingly beautiful. Incredible photos. Ice cubes who would have known?:) Hug B

  3. What a amazing progression of beauty.....

  4. Oh Debbie, your orchid is so beautiful. I do not have a "green" thumb, I wish! Lovely photos. Have A great night!

  5. Debbie, I love it when orchids re-bloom. Congratulations!

  6. Very cool and very pretty! I like your photos at various stages!

  7. The orchid is beautiful in all of its stages.

  8. Oh WOW! Are they hard to take care of? I've always heard that orchids are hard to take care of.

  9. Orchids are beautiful flowers, I have several and I too have been lucky enough to have them rebloom.
    I love yours!

  10. That is gorgeous,so worth waiting for.Sounds easy enough to care for.

  11. It's gorgeous, I would probably kill one.

  12. What an amazing sight when all looked so dead.

  13. I've never heard of them...and it is beautiful!!

  14. I have two orchids that I transplanted a couple of weeks ago. They haven't died yet, but no blooms either.

    I'm so happy for you that you didn't manage to kill your lovely bloom. :)

  15. Oh beautiful. What a treat to have a splash of pink in the middle of winter!

  16. Wonderful pictures and a lovely header photo..... very well done.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  17. Kudo's on keeping it alive. Well worth the while, the flower is just beautiful.

  18. You know, it's funny Debbie, I have had orchids for 25+ years, and up until very recently had never heard of the "add ice."

    This one is a true beauty, and I think they bloom at the perfect time of year (when we have just about had it with winter!).

    Happy day to you!

  19. Not only did you not kill it, but it is beautiful, too!!!

  20. Interesting sequence and excellent macros pics of that beautiful flower. Mickie :)

  21. Just beautiful; the pictures are breathtaking for sure. It is so wonderful to see creation right before your eyes.
