
Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Garden Railway

This was the most amazing train display I have ever seen.
Eight Hundred feet of track, displayed in Washington, D.C.
at the Botanic Garden

The United States Botanic Garden is one of the oldest
botanic garden in North America.
The garden has been recognized as one of the
country's premier botanical institutions.

Do you see the "man", laying with the apple??
I would have missed it, Chuck pointed it out to me



I would like to dedicate this entry to my dear friend Ruth
at Ruth's Photo Blog, who I admire immensely.
 Her beloved Jake was a train enthusiast.
I think he would have enjoyed this entry!!


  1. really sweet of you to dedicate it to ruth. :)

    i'm not one for gnomes and fairies, but i do like a good toadstool. :)

  2. OH, Debbie!
    It's so beautiful.
    I'm happy, I found myself in the world of fairy tales.
    I kiss you very much.

  3. Debbie, it is a very cool train display! A nice tribute for Ruth! Have a great weekend and a Happy New Years!

  4. This is just magical! What a thrill to see and photograph. Looks like a fairy tale world!

  5. W tym ogrodzie botanicznym są z pewnością piękne rośliny, ale ozdoby też są śliczne. Pozdrawiam.
    This botanical garden is certainly a beautiful plant, but they are beautiful ornaments. Yours.

  6. The photos are beautiful Debbie!

  7. Aww,thanks Debbie,as the tears fill my eyes. You are so sweet. The display is amazing.

  8. Wow!!! That is incredible!!! I love the fantastic scenery around the tracks!!

  9. Awe it is quite beautiful isn't it - somehing magical about it as well :))

  10. Wow, that is one awesome train set up!

  11. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this! My imagination is in overdrive!

  12. What an amazing train display! Great captures, Debbie. Enjoy the rest of the year and Happy New Year to you and Chuck!!

  13. They don't call it an enchanted forest for nothing!
    Dang...I missed the apple man. Next year.

  14. Absolutely enchanting!

  15. Oh Debbie to dedicate this to Ruth is so special just like you.
    This is a wonderful place I am sure I would love to have a nice long visit and yes I seen the man:) Hug B

  16. Indeed!!! fantastic display, amazing place, I feel like little girl in a fairy tale watching your photos!

    Taking a chance to send you my best wishes for the New Year! Hugs :)

  17. Truly enchanting, Debbie!
    I love the fairy houses, amazing!
    The man with the apple is just to clever!!!!
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  18. That looks magical! What a great imagination someone had to put that together. Thanks for sharing it!

  19. Hi Debbie...What a amazing set up..a lot of work there !! I just burst out laughing at the man , He cracked me up LOL!!
    Ruth is a sweet lady!!: )

  20. Oh, I LOVE that! I like all the natural aspects of the people and other decorative items. VERY cool!
