
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Roughing It

During Super Storm "Sandy" we found ourselves,
without power for 6 days.
"Roughing It"
Let me show you what I mean.
The day before the storm, I picked up a fresh baked pound cake,
at The Scone Pony, just in case!!
After it was sliced, it received a nice bath in
my special whipped egg mixture.
(Lighting a gas stove without electric, requires only a flame.)
After it was browned on both sides,
it received a pretty dusting of powdered sugar.
I had cooked a pound of bacon, the day before, (good thinking)
I warmed up the syrup (nice touch, right)
and then we all inhaled this yummy breakfast!!
So this is how we "rough it" in our neck of the woods!

It's Rural Thurdsay, what fun things have you guys been up to??

Share them today with Nancy at A Rural Journal


  1. That's how we rough it in the actual woods...when we camp! The guys fix the most amazing breakfasts on their propane stoves! I'm sorry you were without power, but I continue to be encouraged by your spirit through it all!!

  2. Girl I like how you rough it! Yum!!!!

  3. If that's how you eat when roughing it, I'm coming to visit you if the power ever goes out here! :-)

  4. And here we were worring about you..

  5. pound cake french toast...that's a new one for me! I bet it was yummy!

  6. man oh man, girlie! yum! way to go!

  7. Well I am glad you took pictures of you roughing it. It looks just yummy. I am going to have to try that.

  8. I think I could enjoy that kind of roughing it. Looks pretty yummy.

  9. Wow you are good!! looks yummy!!

  10. Wow you are good!! looks yummy!!

  11. Very elegant! btw, I love the name The Scone Pony! I will chuckle about that all day.

  12. Oh you have the best attitude of anyone I know. I love that.
    I am getting a little hungry now.
    Take care Debbie and NEVER stop smiling. I love this. Hugs B

  13. I wish we were at your house during the power outage. Oh so yummy!

  14. Name the cake Sandy.

    And eat it all.

  15. Wow, girl, and I was worried about you? No really, that looks so yummy! It pays off to be prepared.

  16. that's one thing i really like about gas... but my place is all electric =0

    Just a reminder not to forget to swing by Wednesdays around 6pm CST to link up for the new Watery Wednesday... and, of course, Mondays at the same time for Barn Charm! =)

  17. I've never had pound cake like that before!

  18. Congratulations Debbie !

  19. Sorry, it didn't hyperlink I'll try again

  20. That looks and sounds soooo yummy. I've never had cake done in an egg mix before, we do it with bread (eggy bread or french toast). I bet your one is so much better than that though. :))

  21. I completely understand... we'll be here when you're able to join! Thanks Debbie =)

  22. Debbie, this looks and sounds very rough. You really did have a tough time there, HA HA! Your meal looks delicious!

  23. Can I come to your house, the next time the power goes out here?
    And I love those bird photos!! Hope you have trimmed those thin branches, so they won't be getting in the way next time!!!

  24. Wow and yummy! Roughing it never looked so good!

  25. Forward thinking people are natural problem solvers. Good for you!

    We had really strong winds and in preparation put anything outdoors that could become airborne into the garage. We had sufficient firewood at the ready for our wood stove.

  26. Love your "roughing it" food! Looks yummy!

  27. Oooh, six days.... you know how to fix the day easily :)

    This is looking so good to eat!

  28. Yum! I could go for some of that this morning!

    By the way, I nominated you for some blog awards this morning.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. looking so good .

    I finished baking shortbread cookies and flew over here and then I see this.

    Yummier for roughing it.

    Great pictures.

  30. That's the kind of "roughing it" I like!

  31. Ooooo, this looks yummy, Debbie!
    I wish you and your family a beautiful Thanksgiving.

  32. Wow, now I am hungry and will look forward to a breakfast like this one. Loved the pictures.
    I do know what it is like to have the power out for a few days. We had a ice storm several years ago and we didn't have power. I thought I had flashlights and candles in areas I could find them. However, I ended up searching for them in the garage. It was so dark I had to feel around for them. It taught me a few things about prepardness.

  33. You sure were prepared for an outage and gas stoves come in very handy when the electric goes out. Smart idea to do the bacon beforehand too!

  34. now that is yummy! with the bacon am sure your breakfast was deliciously memorable despite the lack of electricity :) concerned about the little bump on the road post...hope everything is fine on your side of the take care always....blessed day...

  35. Planning ahead certainly has its benefits Debbie! Looks amazing.
