
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog to Print

It's cold and raining in New Jersey today!
Good thing we took advantage of yesterday's beautiful weather,
and had some Fun in the Sun!

Today was an inside day and I spent an hour or so
on an inside project, preparing to print my blog.

Have any of you done this??

Here is a picture of my first book.
It begins with my first ever blog entry on October 17, 2010
and ends with my June 30, 2011 entry.

It has a Hard Cover, begins with a Dedication of sorts
and has a nice Table of Contents.

Here's a peak inside at a few random pages.

It covers eight months, 230 entries with 264 pages.

After completing this project, the plan was to print my blog every six months.

So today, I prepared and laid out July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011.

I would like to complete January 1, 2012 - June 30, 2012 tonight,
because the following discount is being offered:

"Last chance to save 20%! It's the last day to save 20% on the best gift ever,
a blog book made by you.
Don’t miss out on our best sale and save 20% with coupon code SuperSave.
(PS - the code SuperSave expires at midnight tonight!)"

Today's book cost was $ 155.85
20% Savings - $ 31.17
Making the total cost $ 124.68, shipping is free.

I am printing in six month increments because I am organized
and it keeps the book to within a reasonable size.

If you are wondering if I love it, I do!
And I definitely feel it is worth every penny!!


  1. i remember you liked it the first time you did it. glad you are still doing it, then.

    if my blog ever upchucks and dies (no offense to chuck), then i'll be a 'poof' in the blogosphere w/ nary a trace i existed. :)

  2. What a nice idea and it's beautiful. I know I would never get it done so I'll be like Tex. :0)

  3. could you tell me more ... where do you find this ... through blogger or what? email me would you please. ( :

  4. Wow, that's so cool!! I did a photo book once, but I've never thought about a blog book.

    btw - it snowed all day up in these parts!

  5. What company do you use? I LOVE that you do this (but I bet you could have figured that one out without me even having to tell you!) JUST BEAUTIFUL!

  6. Oh Debbie you book is looking so great!
    Such a cool thing to do.
    Maybe one day I might get mine done.
    It is blooming cold here today as well and supposed to get colder as the days go on this week.
    You keep warm!! :)

  7. what a great idea...I would not like to loose all that I have written or posted, I will look into this..thanks!!

  8. Oh I remember this beautiful book and I think you are very wise to do this. Someday I truly wish to do this but the task seems so daunting to me.
    I am not that organized.
    I bet it is so nice to look at those beautiful posts and read and share with people who visit your home. They do amazing work.
    Wish I could get organized. Hugs B

  9. That is a fantastic looking book, Debbie! What a great idea!

  10. I do the blog2print annually. It is costly, but so worth it. I know that book will be something my kids will both want when I'm gone!!! It is our history and who we are. (Or at least I hope my kids want it.)) Maybe it'll go in the dumpster. Then bolts will come out of the sky, or the earth erupts!! ((hehe)

  11. What a super idea. It is so nice to have the printed page.

  12. Oh, this is a wonderful idea, and your book is beautiful. I keep journals and I suppose that is what will be left of me. Bonnie

  13. Hi Debbie, I wish I'd gotten to the reading earlier! Where do you get your book? Not that I have time to get anything together this late in the day before the sale is over, but I can be prepared next time. If you've answered this question in the past, forgive memory is short! Hope you're doing okay. Take care!
    Oh, and I'm glad you're putting your beautiful photos in a book! They certainly deserve to be there.

  14. This is the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. Really it is the greatest. I have to do this. Worth every penny!!!!!

  15. Wow, that is really awesome. Sorry I missed the discounted price.

  16. That's really nice, Debbie! A great way to preserve your blog in hard copy form! I want to do a photo book or two if I can sit down and get it done.

  17. What a good idea and wonderful keepsake Debbie.

  18. Debbie, your blog book looks wonderful. Nicely done. I think if something happens to my blog it would be BYE-BYE blog posts. At least my photos are saved on an external drive.

  19. I've wondered about you have a link to where you get these books done?

  20. I have done it. I couldn't afford to make it into a book, so I paid to download a PDF and I printed it myself. I bought pretty notebooks to put it in. I love it!

  21. I just put the photos into a book without all the dates and info. Might have to try this. :)

  22. This is something I've been meaning to do, and I've put it off. So now I'm up to 2 years+ of blog posts....
    Also, I know you left me a comment once about the type of portable tripod you have, but I didn't make note of it.
    And now, I need to put it on my Santa list. Do you mind telling me again what kind you have?

  23. So glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving...the trees are gorgeous! And enjoyed your day at the beach even with all the changes. Interesting about your blog book. That gives me something to think about!

  24. Will you please send me how you did this???! I would LOVE to do this!
