Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Turn and Duck!

I spent hours trying to come up with a fun title for this post.
I was disappointed to learn that although duck has
two meanings, both are spelled the same!!

Humor me please, 
maybe one or two of you could say "great title", if anyone even gets it.

Forster Tern

Female Mallard

Immature or Molting Male Mallards

And this poor girl who could neither duck nor turn,
we couldn't even wake her up!!
July 2nd (Ducks) & 29th (Tern) at the Marina

Sharing today with Stewart at Wild Bird Wednesday
Please stop by to view all the amazing birds from around the world.


Jill said...

I love (and get) your title. :) These shots of amazing. Love all of the details and colors.

rainfield61 said...

I do not think it is worth to spend hours trying to come up with a fun title for this post.

You made the ducks laugh OUT loud.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i get ur title. always wonder how people come up with coolest titles for posts. i try & write them down when they 1st pop into my head. great views. (;

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great title! :) Once I got it.Those Mallards in moot look pretty scruffy.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think you did a great job w/ the title - very witty!

TexWisGirl said...

har har! :)

Muffy's Marks said...

Have never seen a tern before. I really wish I could turn my head around like that mamma mallard. Then I could see my son-in-law, mocking me behind my back. Hehe wouldn't he be surprised!!! Great title!!

Andee said...

I get it! I love your title. Great shots!

Ellie said...

Great title Debbie :))
I really think it is and your pictures are wonderful as usual.
It's really hard trying to think of unusual titles isn't it. Sometimes I spend ages racking my brains thinking of one and then just give up, lol.

Beth said...

I understand your title. all great photos.

Amy Burzese said...

Great title! :) You did much better than I did today with titles. Great bird shots too. Hope that one is OK.

Rosemary Aubut said...

I got it! Great title and great shots! Nicely done and enjoyed my visit here!

Fjällripan said...

Beautiful photos of the ducks :)

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute Deb, aren't they 'ducky'. I know, but I can't think of anything else right now. Thanks for stopping by and wishing son a happy birthday and hope your week is going great.

Unknown said...

Great sequence or should I say a ducky sequence. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your title is just ducky!! :)

mick said...

Cute title and great photos. Mallard Ducks are all over the world but we don't have that Tern where I live in Australia.

Bonnie said...

Super title;) Love the duck as well.

eileeninmd said...

Funny, I get your title! Wonderful shots of the Tern and the ducks. Thanks for sharing. Have a great evening.

Diana Seal said...

Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

I like you title and your photos!

Dianna said...

Aw...I've come to have a particular affection for Mallards. The six who follow me around the yard are so sweet!


Farm Girl said...

Lovely shots. I liked your title too. You are so cute.

Sharon M said...

Great title! :-) Love these photos! The lighting is perfect.

Mary said...

Pretty bird pics. That duck must have been very content to stay asleep and not be running away...were you very quiet?

Miss Debbie said...

Love the play on words...very creative! As always...great pics!

Brian King said...

Hours? You don't need to try so hard. LOL! Yes, I get the clever title, too! :-) The shot of the tern is gorgeous! Great catch light in all of the eyes! Well, except for sleepy head there.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a lovely set of shore birds shared~

Kusum said...

Good collection of bird pictures!

Kusum said...

Good collection of bird pictures!

Anonymous said...

Very funny title ;)......I think birds are so weird looking when their eyes are closed...I just can't help it. You did a great job with these!!!

Susan said...

Got the title! You are so funny! The tern and the ducks are darling!

Ida said...

Title was completely understood and very clever.
Some great pictures of these birds.

Ida said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
missmeggy said...

your shots are very great!the last pic is sooooo cute! :)

Saun said...

LOL awesome!