
Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Fences

Since it was just yesterday, you may remember my exciting
visit with baby Alpaca's White Russian & Fibonacci!

In case you missed that entry,
 you can read all the wonderful details here.
In yesterday's post I focused on the babies.

Today's post will feature all my favorite images that include "fences".
These are just a few of the 302 pictures I took during my visit.

That's it kids!!

Although, the plan for tomorrow is
Up Close and Personal, The Faces of the Alpaca's.

John & Audrey, the owners of this farm are wonderful!!
They stayed with me for my entire visit.
They made sure I knew the name and background of every single alpaca.
I can't remember most of it but I sure am trying.
For me, I adore them, they are just too cute for words.

Sharing today's entry with Friday Fences
please stop by and consider joining in!


  1. A. you should have a photo caption contest. with the one of the two kissing in the foreground and the dude in the back looking shocked! and B. these are the cutest dang things ever ... what is it about you and your photos that get me to fall in love with animals!!??! and C. Can't wait for the close ups - cause my comment was going to be about the cuteness of their faces until I read about tomorrow's blog!

  2. I love these pictures so much. You took such great ones and they are beautiful alpacas. I can't wait to see more pictures these are really great.

  3. Those babies make the post perfect. I can tell you had loads of fine with them.

  4. Look at those faces! They are adorable!!

  5. Great pictures Debbie! Aren't alpacas the best!

  6. those faces! so much cute personality!

  7. Said it yesterday, saying it again. They are sooo cute. I just love their little faces. Can't wait for more!

  8. wonder if they realize they are naked? maybe look at the others & think hey, they have a heavier coat than me? animals think like that, right? cute views. (:

  9. Debbie, these little alpaca faces tickled me from head to toe. It must have been a thrill to photograph them.

  10. Another adorable post with fences no less!

  11. Oh, wow, I am just a little jealous! They are adorable.

  12. They almost don't look real!! they sorta look like they are covered in Chenielle

  13. Oh Debbie these are the cutest pics I love these little creatures. They seem to have so much personality they are adorable. I am still jealous. I can believe you took 302 I just came in from a trip to the field and took 75 pics of the calves in half an hour. We are a lot alike.But cute is cute right? B

  14. Too cute for words...great pics!

  15. Very impressive - I am not sure I have seen that animal before. Sandie

  16. Lovely pictures you show. Wishing you a good weekend. Hanne Bente /

  17. A lovely set of pictures - they have the cutest faces don't they? I really love the one of them kissing. I'm kind of envious of you seeing them in real life, lol.

  18. Debbie, what a fun time visiting these adorable alpacas. They do have the cutest faces and you captured wonderful poses too. I like the kiss shot. I would have wanted to bring one home with me. Wonderful post and photos. Have a HAPPY weekend!

  19. How fortunate you are to have become friends with these lovely people. Your photos are wonderful and so full of fun and personality, Debbie. xoxo

  20. They are so cute. We passed a farm just the other day and I saw several, but there was no place to pull over and get a shot. Darn it!

  21. I see through one of those eyes telling,

    "please free me!!"

    How wrong I am?

    I would like to bring them hiking with me.

  22. I cannot tell you just how much I ove these little ones! It is so nice of the owners to let you photograph them.
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

  23. I loved the pictures of the Alpacas. My parents used to run for my brother; called Big Rock Candy Mountain in central Utah. They had a buffalo and a llamas. It had a swift kick; so you couldn't get around them easily unless you knew how too.
    I did post a picture of a barn on Charm Barn and my blog.
    Again, great pictures.
