
Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby Blues!!!

There not really babies,
but they are squealing like babies.

Mom looks a little bewildered here, I kinda know how she feels!!

There "tween" Blue Jays,

but when mom's not around, they act like little angels,

then the minute she gets close, they start acting up.

You have no idea how entertaining they are to watch.

You can always tell when she's coming back,

poor momma!!

They seem to be a bit "needy", don't they??

Now here's my confession, I enjoyed them immensely!!
But you guys already knew that!!

oooooohhhhhhh, it's been a little hot here,

and we have another drama queen Blue Jay this year.

This one's a riot also!!


  1. Those guys are too funny. You gotta love those spiked hair.Yikes,that last one looks like the end has come. They do put on quite the show.Thanks for sharing these.

  2. You captured their antics perfectly, Debbie.
    Their actions and your words are a delightful pair also.

  3. Great shots. The birds are so cute!

  4. Lovely little chicks.
    We want the bird food.
    Excellent pictures.
    A wonderful post.

  5. Oh this is my life. Lol. They are always angels when mommy isn't around.
    My boys like to stand at the window and talk for the birds. They pretend to be the birds and say things like "mommy look at me I just peed in the birdbath." They are so rude. I would have loved to see them talking for these blue jays. Great pictures are always.

  6. HI Debbie....I am still among the living,perhaps much to your
    dismay ; } lol
    That is the cutest comical goodness I would be watching them all the time too! Super series of photos!!
    I would be sitting in a bird bath if I was a bird to is stinking hot and humid here his week too ...but I here the distant roll of thunder!!

  7. I can understand how you enjoyed this vieuw. And you are wright it looks like how a mother sometimes feels having teenage kids.
    Great weekend Debbie

  8. That is so funny, and they guy on the railing is hysterical.
    Yes, we have some sparrow hawks doing the same thing. They do behave then as soon as the Mom starts coming that start the cry, which is a lot like at my house now that I think about it. Feed me! Feed me!!
    I about fainted the other day when I got home and my grand children met me at the back door saying the same thing. :) Just all baby birds I guess. :)

  9. Lovely shots Debbie, they do look like they are making a lot of noise. Made me smile though :))
    I love their beautiful blue wings - so pretty!!!

  10. Wow. How lovely arent these small fellows.

    One great word for these pictures - LOVELY!

  11. Debbie you did a fantastic job of capturing the juvenile Blue Jays behavior! They really are fun to watch. I'm seeing a lot of young jays around our area right now. This post is awesome! Such great entertainment at your bird bath.

  12. How cute to be able to have seen this show. Great to video tape and put up on youtube for others to enjoy. TFS. ANA

  13. Hey our tween here does the same thing. sandie

  14. Debbie, I do not think I have ever seen a baby bluejay. They are adorable. Wonderful photos. Have a great weekend!

  15. These are just amazing. What a treat it must be to watch them and their antics.

  16. Oh Debbie - never have I seen birds so comical! You did an amazing job of catching their attitudes - and I too love the spiked hair! Yep, definitely 'tweens!

  17. You truly amaze me with some of the shots you capture. Those are fantastic. Isn't it funny how birds are like humans and act out in front of their momma

  18. Okay, what are you putting in the bird bath water? Vodka? Lol.

  19. LOL! I think Nancy is on to something...are you spiking the bath water? Hilarious shots! The last one is awesome! What's that old saying - save the drama for your momma?

  20. They are sweet and cute.

    Oops.... did they really drink Vodka?

  21. Fantastic pictures Debbie!

  22. Fantastic! What a great set of shots and I LOVE the commentary!!

  23. BIG smile on my face! Great bunch of photos.

  24. How funny! Mom! feed us! Now! Really cute!

  25. Awesome pictures and way cute thoughts on the birds. Isn't nature amazing. God is a wonderful creator.

  26. How cute they are! Great photos!

  27. Absolutely outstanding photographs! What a great post!
