
Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Rural Thursday Blog Hop #11

I don't live on a farm, I live on a beautiful winding river.
I dream about living on a farm, having a barn
and filling it with horses and alpaca's.

When I walk down to the water's edge,

this handsome mallard is not so happy to see me.
He resist's getting up for the longest time,
but when he's see's I am not backing off, he dives into the river.

He is sure to let me know he is not too happy with me
and he swims off.

The swans swim over to see if I have food,

I don't and they are not thrilled with me either.

There are three swans at the rivers edge, they are always there.

I was hoping to see the great blue heron
that was sitting on neighbor Helen's roof and then flew off.
No luck this time!!

So this is what's happening in my neck of the woods.
I'm sharing today with
Please visit Nancy at A Rural Journal
and Lisa at Two Bears Farm

Think about hoping in and hoping around!!


  1. All are such beautiful shots!

  2. Isn't it funny when you can tell they're looking right at you! These are great close ups ~ any babies this spring? I've had my fun "stalking" two families of swans!

  3. I'd love to live on the river!

  4. Hi Debbie...You bullied that poor duck, to take the leap ; }
    I would love to live on a lake, pond, ocean front,but then I don't, and from the,looks of my bank account....
    "Heron on a roof" ..sounds like he name of a children's book!!

  5. Love that first shot...he almost looks unreal!

  6. What beautiful animals you share your world with...just like people sometimes they are happy with us and sometimes they are not....

  7. It looks really nice. I think it would be very nice living near a river. I love the sound of water.

  8. They may not be happy about your lack of food, but those divas still manage to give you and your camera their best profiles.

  9. Great captures, living by the river you must see lots of natures wonders.

  10. Such a great place to be, Debbie!
    The first shot? You really can see in his eye that he is a bit unhappy! What a great shot!

  11. you're gonna have to start packing bread w/ you. :)

  12. You get the most gorgeous closeups! How wide is your river? I love rivers, actually I prefer rivers and lakes over the seas.

  13. The birds may not be happy with you but I am .Love the pictures you got.

  14. Great shots- he sure was squawking at you as he swam away.

  15. I like the mallard trash-talking you as he swims away. Hahaha!

    You can have the pterodactyl (blue heron) that keeps coming to my backyard pond to terrorize the inhabitants. I'll GLADLY get rid of that menace!

  16. Oh Debbie that duck was sure telling you off. lol.

  17. Debbie, where was the bread. Poor duckies, they look hungry. Wonderful shots, I love the swan. Wonderful photos! I hope you have a great Memorial weekend.

  18. Your area just has to all. sandie

  19. You may not live on a farm, but living on a river is fantastic in itself! I'd love to live in a place like that. I find that ducks, geese, and swans tend to create a lot more drama than is really necessary. LOL!

  20. Always love your waterbird shots, Debbie. I think the birds must really like you to let you get so close.

    Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week.

  21. The Mallards have such lovely markings don't they. The white swan's beak is a real feature on this bird ... am loving your photos Debbie :D)

  22. I really enjoy the Rural Thursday post. I love the pictures and these were incrediable.
    Thanks for a moment with nature!
