
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Red-Bellied

If you don't feel like seeing a lot of pictures of the
Red Bellied Woodpecker,
this would be a good time to make your exit.
He was just so darn cute and so willing to pose for pictures,
it was impossible to pick just one or two to share with you bird lovers.

They do have a splash of red on their bellies.

Stage right...

Stage left...

Here he is waiting patiently for Mr. Squirrel to finish up.

He came all afternoon on May 24th and made his presence know.

I took so many pictures, that by days end,
I didn't even get up as he sat by the window.

Do they have tongues?? I think I see his tongue.

Sharing today with


  1. too cute. i love their 'pluck'. :)

  2. He is so cute. And beautiful. Your shots are great. I would have taken as many as he would allow.

  3. What a cute little guy with his bright red head.

  4. Oh he is cute - but they create havoc on wood. We have this huge woodpecker - red head and big black belly and he is eating our deck. We went out to get some owl statues. lol sandie

  5. Very goodlooking indeed specially with the red head and loved every shot you took.Thanks for sharing.Have a great day!


  6. He is adorable! I love the ones where he is sitting on the deck.

  7. I love him!!! My experience with woodpeckers of any kind is that they are so shy, I can't believe you got so many wonderful pictures of this beauty!!

  8. Great shots. I would have taken pictures too. I love his color.

  9. Oh too cute. What great shots Debbie!

  10. Brilliantly taken - couldnt you just spend hours sat watching stuff like this....

  11. Stunning DOF - such clear shots of this beautiful bird!

  12. Those are great! I love seeing the Red Bellied Woodpecker. I always thought it was a misnomer until you pointed out that there is a bit of red on their bellies.

  13. Oh he is so precious. I love how it looks like he is sitting on his tummy. Enjoy your day. Bonnie

  14. Fantastic when they hang around long enough for so many great shots.

  15. So cute, what beautiful coloring. Personality too! Great photos Debbie!

  16. Beautiful birdie, fantastic photographs. I am greeting

  17. Thanks for sharing each of these wonderful images. I would not have wanted to miss a single one.

  18. He's gorgeous! LOVE these - but he should be called the red-headed woodpecker...just sayin.

  19. Great photos - I wish a bird that cute would pose so beautifully for me!

  20. oh my gosh...he is just so darn cute...great pictures!!

  21. I never get bored of looking at your bird pictures.
    He is certainly a lovely looking bird.

  22. Wonderful series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  23. These are the best woodpecker pics I have EVER seen!!

  24. Hi answer the question of the day ..does a woodpecker have a tongue...In fact they do.. and this one has one 3 times the length of its beak and can wrap it around it's skull when retracted.."how's about that", but "why would it want to do that"??? A question for another day me thinks ; } lol
    Great photos.. I have not seen one here yet although they say we have
    them here in summer..who they are I have no idea..: }}
    I enjoyed these ..bring on all you want!!
    Enough bugging you for today!
    PS thanks goes to Google for that didn't think I knew
    all that did you??? ; }

  25. Hi Debbie, wonderful shots of the Redbellied woodie. I would have done the same take all the photos I could take. He was posing nicely for you too. Have a great evening.

  26. I don't even want to talk to anybody who doesn't want to see pictures of this adorable bird! We had one as an "alarm clock" for a couple of months this spring; I loved it. My pictures never did actually show the red belly, so you did great!

  27. Yours are the best! You captured the expression and detail beautifully.

  28. Now he is a looker and a poser....Your shots are wonderful and you caught him in all his glory.....

  29. You always get such good photos.

  30. How in the world do you manage to capture such amazing shots? Those are magnificent!

  31. It really is so cute ! I can tell you had a great time watching and the bird had a great time posing for you !


  32. There is nothing like a cooperative subject is there? You really got some fantastic shots!

  33. These are fantastic, Debbie! Better than any shots I got of the Red-bellied Woodpecker that visited over the winter. Were you using the new lens?

  34. You got wonderful pictures of this cute little guy.
    Thanks for stopping by my barn post.

  35. He is just too cute!! wasn't that many pictures:)

  36. You can never have to many photos of cute red-bellied woodpeckers.. especially ones as terrific as yours, Debbie.

    note, I'm native clamdigger born and raised in Point Pleasant. We had a Gulf station on rt88 and Bridge ave- moved to Florida in 1985. Love all the places you roam :)

  37. Oh what a fun post. I see the red belly! I get it's name now :) I had put out new seed and I had one of these guys come visit me. Then the next morning I woke up to a coyote, so no more of that food :(

  38. Well I enjoyed each and every photo & wouldn't have looked away! They're a low-rider when sitting!!

  39. I love these little guys. You got some nice shots.

  40. So many wonderful shots of Red Bellied!! I can understand that it was difficult to pick just a few pics of this cute one!
    Wish you a nice evening:)

  41. lol! love how he sits on his little round butt!
