
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Great Blue Heron

Chuck spotted this Great Blue Heron as we were passing
Godfrey Lake, just 5 minutes from home!!

The picture in my bird book looks different,
it doesn't have all the brown.

Getting this shot involved,
spinning the car around, (the hubs is getting pretty good at that)
jumping out and crossing some pretty rugged terrain.

But I did it and I am pretty happy with this picture.

I took a lot of photos, this was the only one worth sharing.
He flew off pretty quickly and all of my flight shots were blurry!!

All of my pictures are always SOOC, this is not cropped
as I liked the look of the marshy background!!

I always wonder about you guys,
are you jumping out of cars to get your shots,
or do the feathered friends you photograph come right to you??

Sharing today with all the great folks at

And a great big thank you to Springman for keeping us all together!


  1. Love your photo, Debbie! GBH's are among my favorites to photograph. Getting right up eyeball to eyeball with your subject doesn't always make the best picture. Including background elements like you did is often the better choice.

  2. Great shot in a perfect setting.

  3. nice clear-eyed shot! great job!

  4. Bill is used to my "stop" screech! For birds, signs, who knows what all -- it's funny how I always see things just after we pass. You were absolutely right not to crop this photo, the setting makes it even more wonderful. I love the great blues and mine usually look gray like yours too.

  5. I see Chuck is driving you around today! Good for you Chuck. Maybe this is a youngster?

  6. It's a terrific shot Debbie! But gee, I cringe when I picture you jumping out of the careful girl!

  7. Ha Debbie .. I just posted mine and came to visit and you have a post on the Herons today as well! Too funny. All my shots are of them on the pier where they are not too shy. Mostly hanging around fishermen hoping to get some free food.

  8. This is great! Impressed that it is sooc. I sometimes spin around and jump for a photo.

  9. Lovely to see this picture!
    A great post!
    happy WBW!

  10. He looks nice. The other morning one was flying over. I was watching it when it did a complete U turn and flew back to inspect me, then turned again and was on his way, it made me laugh.

  11. HI Debbie...A sight to behold...Debbie running over rugged terrain to get the shot!! A good one it is ; }!!
    I think the Hub's need's to have a camera and a blog and post photo's of you in action.."Life with the All About Purple Women"!!! : }}}}}}}

  12. I know this bird. There has been a couple to visit us and gobble up a few of our Koi fish from our small backyard pond. My husband always threatened that if they came back they would suffer from a case of lead poisoning (if you catch my drift). They are much more beautiful in the wild. As usual you always get the best photos even if you have to hike through the marsh to get them.

    Have a great day Debbie.


  13. A great capture.. it was well worth turning back to get it..

  14. Great pic! Yeah......Louis Dean is always game to grab a pic for me.

    Amber used to take lots....especially food shots. Once (MUCH earlier in this pregnancy!) she fixed a great meal and Mike asked her, "You haven't taken any pictures in a long time. I am starting to worry!"

    You got a GOOD one!

  15. I am not good at all in taking photo's of birds. You did it Debby!!
    Sometime's there is one standing at my pond. But it's a huge bird.
    gr. marijke

  16. Great photo and I like the interesting background.

  17. There's a heron I spot every once and a while at "my" pond - haven't gotten as close as you did...yet! I was laughing with a scrapping friend today as she was imagining me 'stalking' my swans...I must say, we're a pretty funny bunch!

  18. In regards to birds, I don't often see them on the roadside in my travels... mine are usually at my feeders. Great shot, Deb. :)

  19. Hi Debbie, beautiful capture of the heron. Most of my bird photos are taken while out walking. I can not jump out of the car since I am the one driving. Now, that would really spook my hubby. I have pull over to take a look though. Have a great evening!

  20. How nice of him to wait for you to turn around :)
    He's beautiful, Debbie, and tac sharp :)

  21. That's a cracking good shot Debbie, it's very hard to shoot bird pictures - they tend to move quite quickly.
    I've never managed to get any bird shots but I did once stop the car and jump out to take a picture of the sun on the sea just because it looked amazing.

  22. Great picture. I have jumped out of the car many times. I have also gotten some strange looks from those passing by.

  23. I love that you are so adventurous. Great capture!

  24. That is a wonderful shot. You are lucky my MR. would never turn around, If I can't get the picture on the fly, I'm out of luck. You should see me the days I go to town alone. I think we used to call them 'little old blue hairs" I'm turning in to one. Drive slow and stop often!!!

  25. Fantastic heron Debbie! Oh yeah, I have done all manor of ridiculous things to get bird pictures and not all legal!

  26. What one has to do for a great picture!

  27. What a capture!I always prefer those taht have a background and yours is lovely!!!Have a great day!


  28. Nice shot Debbie! Maybe he is a young bird still in semi juvenile plumage.

  29. Fantastic photograph, nature gives us fine views and much joy every day. I am greeting

  30. Oh, great shot and I love the story behind it!

    When I ran at the track last weekend, there were two herons in the middle of the field. They hung out for a while, then got in a huge fight (were they trying to mate and it went awry? I have no idea!) and then they took off.

  31. Debbie, you got a terrific image, and hoping you have a marvelous remainder to your week~

  32. Great photo! I always have to do some zigging and zagging to get my shots! :-) And the flight shots are rarely on target. It's a little easier when I'm shooting fences and mailboxes. :-)

  33. Super capture of the Great Blue Heron!
    Oh...I am very guilty of stopping in the middle of the road and taking a pic of a bird. Of course this is on a country road when no one is behind me.:)
