
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rural Thurday Blog Hop #7

Hatched...we have a baby!!

It was a miracle to see.

I believe this happened right before my eyes!!

When I first arrived at the nest, I could only see a little something.

Just a hint of baby breaking through the egg.

For anyone who follows along,
you know there are 2 eggs. So far I have only seen one baby.

I will keep an eye on the nest but
I won't be taking any more pictures right now. 
I will wait until the second baby hatches,
and the babies are a little bigger. 
Mom will be leaving the nest to get food
and to make room for the babies growth,
that will be a better time for more pictures.
This picture is not cropped, 
I was this close to mom and I don't want to upset her while she is
trying to hatch the second egg.

So that's my rural story and I'm sharing it with
The Rural Thursday Blog Hop
Please visit Nancy at A Rural Journal Blog Hop

Think about hoping in and hoping around!!


  1. so cute! and you're wise to give them some room right now. :)

  2. Baby! I hope the other egg hatches too. How exciting.

  3. That mama bird looks like she's been PAINTED there she's so beautiful! These are fascinating!! Thanks!

  4. Congratulations!!! Gee that was fast. Oh this is so exciting I can't imagine how thrilled you were to get these pictures. They are amazing!

  5. Ah Debbie, how wonderful and exciting to see this happening. I think you are probably quite right to give them time before you take more pictures. Lovely pictures you got.

  6. This is so exciting!! I love bird watching. Great GREAT pics!

  7. Oh my goodness you're a grandma of twins! It was so tiny! So cute. Congrats. sandi

  8. So cute. You got some great shots. I've never seen a baby dove before.

  9. Just beautiful. The gift of life...right at your fingertips.

  10. Amazing! I can't believe you got that close to get that photo. I have never seen a baby dove before. Thanks for sharing the photos.


  11. What a beautiful sight this morning! I never fail to be delighted by the miracle of life. Thank you Debbie ... and, you're doing what every good Grandma does - gets excited and all gooey but then steps back and lets Mumma be in charge :D)

  12. Once a trespasser... lol!

    What a great moment, Debbie. I'd be excited too.

  13. There are simply no words to describe how beautiful this is Debbie, and I truly thank you so much for sharing this little miracle here.

  14. Aww, this brings back memories of the ones we had in our yard. It is so amazing to see this before your eyes. Your photos are great.
    TFS. ANA

  15. What a wonderful shot, seeing new life right before your eyes. Can't wait to see the babes as they grow.

  16. Those babies will grow before your eyes and be gone in no time! Be sure to get the photos while you can!!

    So sweet, aren't they? I hope she built that nest strong enough to hold them. Doves are the WORST nest builders. Ugh.

  17. I have to second that doves are bad nest builders. We once had a dove build the nest without a bottom and the eggs fell through and hit the drive. I think I was more upset that than the silly bird. They are so sweet though. Enjoy your babies. Bonnie

  18. I smiled all the way through this post. Sooo cute. Doves are so trusting.

  19. That's great, Debbie! Nice shots, too! Hope you can get more as the baby or babies grow.

  20. sweet! Doves are so gentle and beautiful. Thanks for the lovely close up!

  21. Oh I love this you are so lucky to share in the moment. B

  22. Oh precious!

    And no, please don't worry Mama! :-)

  23. What an ugly little thing! Hard to believe it will become a beautiful mourning dove...

  24. So beautiful to see Debbie. I think you are doing the right thing and wait till the baby is a little bit older making new shots.

  25. Isn't it fun...watching this happen....

  26. Oh my gosh, how cute is that! Nature is so amazing!

  27. Wow that is just awesome. I bet you were excited and rightly so.

  28. Gosh Debbie, I hope they are okay.
    Maybe Mom moved them or something like that.
    If they did not even have pin feathers on the 28th, they surely did not go anywhere on their own.
    Fingers crossed for them.
    Thank you so very much for sharing this little miracle here.
    Wishing you a wonderful day ahead!
