
Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Easter Tree

This has been up and decorated for weeks.
has asked me several times to post pictures of it!

It looks better in real life, come and see for yourself!!

A close up of the top!!
I made the egg ornaments, on either side.
They have cute little bunnies in them,
see I am crafty!!

 Close up of the bottom.

After Easter it will be transformed for the summer.
It will be red, white and blue for all the patriotic holidays
that summer holds!!


Getting My Craft On...

I consider myself to be a "crafty" girl!!
Lately I have been consumed with my photography and my blog.
That has been my creative outlet.
I am always busy...crafts, photography, gardening, baking,
I never sit still!!
And I love the hubs, my most favorite is spending time with him!!
But scrapbooking has always been my number one passion.
I was inspired to create some pages because my dear friend
sent me some beautiful embellishments to create some pages.
Adrienne said as she was making them,
she thought they would be perfect for me!!
She was right!!

My photos'...

and all those cute embellishment's by Adrienne.
Thank you Adrienne
you are my dear, sweet, blogger friend!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Madame Tussauds

Wax Museum in Washington, D.C.

The Presidents!!

Meeting Thomas Jefferson, look at my smile!!
Jefferson was our 3rd president.

Chuck took it a little more serious.

I was happy to spend time with William Harrison, our 9th President.

Our 13th President Millard Fillmore

Chuck was very "stoic" with all our Presidents!!

and Rutherford Hayes our 19th President.

Our 22nd President, Grover Cleveland is looking well,

as is Theodore Roosevelt our 26th President.

Teddy up close, it was amazing!!

Chuck with Woodrow Wilson our 28th President

I had to use Chucks hat!!

Franklin D. Roosevelt was our 32nd President

Saluting our 34th Dwight D. Eisenhower

Goofing off!!
The rest of these presidents should look very familiar!!

John F. Kennedy our 35th President

The Clintons

Bill was our 42nd President

Barack Obama
He's a little "fuzzy" don't you think?!?!

We had so much fun here.

This is Part I, I will share all the celebrities in another entry!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rural Thursday Blog Hop #5

We are going to take a break from Washington,
switch it up a little,
(was that a collective sigh I heard) 
today we are going country!!

This guy was laying down when I arrived...

It only took two whistles and one hey buddy
to get him up and headed toward me!!

We met, eye to eye...and he got a good look at me!!

He knew I was a friend,
I was able to feel the "breeze" when he sneezed...

I wanted to pet him but I refrained!!

I have shared pictures of this "animal" before,
that's right folks, I don't know what it is!!

These pictures are new ones, from March 18th.
I was out for a drive with Chuck and my mom.
My mom is not an adventurous spirit either,
she kept Chuck company in the car,
fussing the whole time about what I was doing.

I have a friend Andee at  Match the Pictures she knows the owners
of this farm!!
She can get me IN, as in INSIDE!!

and the goats are pregnant, those babies will need to be bottle fed!!

Excited does not even come close to what I am feeling!!

Sharing today with Nancy at A Rural Journal

Please hop over to see what all those wonderful country girls are doin'.

You can also read Nancy's tutorial on making your own
hummingbird feeder, she is very creative and it's amazing.
I hope she "pins" it!! Most of you will know what that means!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who's Ready...

to revisit Washington??  Come on, I know you are!!

This was such an amazing trip, and we took so many pictures!!
We use the timer on the camera to get all our "selfies"

There were tulips everywhere,

and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.
Every single garden we passed was abundant with color.

This mix of colors were beautiful!!

Here we are in front of the Botanical Gardens!!

These beautiful white gardens...

surrounded this gorgeous Smithsonian Museum.

Saving the best for last, these tulips were absolutely gorgeous!!

We saw a lot, we missed a lot...
I still have a lot to share!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An American Crow in Washington

Wherever we go, I am always on the lookout
for beautiful birds.

Or at least a bird who will sit still
and let me take his picture...

As you can see...I'm not too fussy!!

It was a gloomy day but I still enjoyed capturing these shots,
even if it was only an American Crow!!

Please stop by to see all the amazing birds from around the world!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Barn Charm #29

Hovre DeGrace, Maryland

There's a long story connected to this barn.
If you follow my blog, you know we recently went to Washington, D. C.
As we were traveling along the highway, I spotted an amazing barn.
This is not it!!
The hubs pulled off the highway and our detour began.
We searched for about 15 minutes for that barn and never found it.
We did however find this one and I thought it was beautiful.
Thanks to our GPS, I knew where we were.
Now if you follow my blog, you also know I love to trespass,
but I was a little unsure in these parts.
So I stayed on my side of the fence and dreamt about being
on the other side!!

Is this an odd shape for a barn?? We don't see this shape in our parts!!
I am so excited to be linking once again to Tricia's Barn Charm

Please follow the link above to view all the amazing, charming barns!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Cherry Blossom Festival, Part II

The Blooms!!

The Washington Monument

The canopy view!!

The Jefferson Memorial

Last year when we went the blooms were white,
this year they were a soft, beautiful pink!!

The happy hubs!!

Happy was still early in the day!!

This was probably my favorite view.

This is my favorite picture.

This one also.

I really love these little clusters, growing out of the tree trunks!!

A few of the trees were this darker pink.


This brings us to about noon on Friday.
This is right about where I stopped smiling. 
Not really, but kinda really!!
I am going to invent my own D.C. Tour,
golf carts with canopies and air conditioning,
now that's a tour I'd be interested in!!