We are going to take a break from Washington,
switch it up a little,
(was that a collective sigh I heard)
today we are going country!!

This guy was laying down when I arrived...
It only took two whistles and one hey buddy
to get him up and headed toward me!!
We met, eye to eye...and he got a good look at me!!
He knew I was a friend,
I was able to feel the "breeze" when he sneezed...
I wanted to pet him but I refrained!!
I have shared pictures of this "animal" before,
that's right folks, I don't know what it is!!
These pictures are new ones, from March 18th.
I was out for a drive with Chuck and my mom.
My mom is not an adventurous spirit either,
she kept Chuck company in the car,
fussing the whole time about what I was doing.
of this farm!!
She can get me IN, as in INSIDE!!
and the goats are pregnant, those babies will need to be bottle fed!!
Excited does not even come close to what I am feeling!!
Sharing today with Nancy at A Rural Journal
Please hop over to see what all those wonderful country girls are doin'.
You can also read Nancy's tutorial on making your own
hummingbird feeder, she is very creative and it's amazing.
I hope she "pins" it!! Most of you will know what that means!