
Monday, November 28, 2011

Palace Carousel

One of the most magnificent carousels in the country,
this turn of the century gem is sitting on the boardwalk in
Asbury Park, New Jersey.

This was a huge attraction back in the day, it stands empty now!!
All the wonderful history and fun facts about the rise and fall of the  
Casino Carousel can be found here.

Bruce Springsteen  "The Boss" played here in December of 2010. 
He also shot a video here.
I snapped this photograph as we were leaving the area on
Thanksgiving night.


Both of these amazing women have helped me, supported me and inspired me beyond words!!

Please stop by and check out their beautiful blogs,
they are two very special blogging friends!!


  1. Very very very cool shot, Debbie... beautiful, esp w/ the sunset colors in the background! =)

  2. What a beautiful picture. Love that carousel.

  3. How beautiful. Too bad is remains inactive. A great shot Debbie!

  4. That is really beautiful building and so sad if it shut down now, what a waste for great building.

  5. that's a beautiful shot! it wouldn't have had near the allure if you had shot it during the day!

  6. Such a shame it's empty. It's gorgeous!


  7. That's a beautiful old carousel!

  8. You showcased this beautifully! I sure wish I could see it in person.

  9. Oooooh...nice. It actually looks beautiful...(I'm sick on those things;))

  10. How beautiful is that! I love it! To bad it's empty now.

  11. That is a beautiful carousel and you have captured it beautifully.
    Did you say Bruce Springsteen - oh I'd love to see him live!!!

  12. This is really a magnificent shot of a beautiful carousel.

  13. This carousel is almost always a "must see" when I visit this area. It is so very beautiful!

    Thank you so much for sharing today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  14. Gorgeous structure. They just don't build 'em like they used to.

  15. This was a very lovely photo. It is sad that the place is not opened any longer.
    Blessings to you for sharing this.

  16. I have a old book from my childhood, and it has a picture of that Carousel. It still looks so pretty.

  17. Oh, Debbie, this is such a beautiful night shot. You did great! I love the way you positioned the carousel. I want to go inside and get a peek at the wonderful horses and other animals. Are they still using the original wooden ones?

    Thanks for sharing it's story with us :)

  18. I love the night sky behind the carousel. Shooting off center is perfect. Beautiful!

  19. Visiting from "Creative Exchange". Wow, Asbury Park is forever linked in my mind with the Boss! Gorgeous carousel! My friend goes to Asbury Park every New Year's Day for the POlar Bear Plunge. What a fun photo op THAT would be!


  20. Magical, Debbie. I watched Boardwalk Empire on HBO and your photo is all about this series -- Atlantic City Boardwalk in the early 1900's.

    PS -- no archive bird photos allowed in this competition. Just sayin...

  21. This is so beautiful...feels sort of like stepping back in time.

  22. What a wonderful nighttime capture of this beautiful carousel!

  23. I love carousel's and would have loved to have seen this one in its heyday. We have a couple of carousel's here in the NW that are pretty special, though nothing nearly as ornate as the Palace. Thanks for the link. I love reading about stuff like this. :-)

  24. Hi Debbie, I missed this post and I love the beautiful Carousel. And I really wanted to stop in and visit. I hope all is well, take care. Have a Happy Sunday! :)
