
Monday, October 24, 2011

It Was A Gorgeous Weekend

at the Jersey Shore. If you don't live here, this is just a little taste of what you missed...

Bay Head Beach,
 Saturday was perfect, 65 degrees with full sunshine.
The ocean never looked so beautiful!!

The water was crisp and clear and oh so warm!!

I spent the afternoon with my family,
My mom, my nephew Jason, my sister Kathy and her puppy Max,
and you may recognize Chuck and I!!

Gorgeous right?!
We found lot's of sea glass and some really pretty shells.

At the inlet, there was no shortage of people out and about,
enjoying the beautiful day!!

The Gambler

The Heather Ann

I had an amazing day, filled with lot's of laughs and some pretty amazing pizza too!!


  1. Oh nice! Looks like you had a great day. That little dog looks like a white version of my Merfy, is it a Maltese? I'm gald to see you are out and about!

  2. Oh, what a lovely looking day, blue skys and warm weather. What more could you ask for!
    Sounds as if you had a great day with your family.
    That will set you up for the week ahead. :)

  3. Looks like I'm going to have to come up and explore your Jersey shore sometime, you're right it is pretty. I have a friend in Wall, is that near to you?

  4. Looks like you had a great day with your family. So nice to be able to enjoy them. Your photos are amazing.

  5. So beautiful and perfect! Beautiful family, Debbie.

  6. thanks for sharing your perfect day with us. really beautiful!

  7. Gorgeous, I wish I lived near the ocean. Looks like a lot of fun..

  8. Looks like a fine day to me...

  9. Can't beat these beautiful Autumn days. Love the beach this time of year.

  10. I can't decide which photo of that old dock I like better - the one where you can see all the moss, or looking straight out to sea with the waves crashing...
