
Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day!!

Yesterday, was a "10", the perfect day to do almost anything. Our choice, breakfast out, riding the bikes and chasing an Egret!! The sky was blue and the temperatures were cool. Fall is in the air and I could not be happier!! So here he is, my current best friend...

Meet Mr. Egret!! My newest obsession!!

I think he is regal and beautiful!!

Also know as a Great White Egret, it is easy to see why!!

They weigh in at about 2 pounds...

and have a wing span of 65 - 85 inches!!

They have a yellow beak and long black legs....

and black feet!!

A frog for lunch, he sure does know a "delicacy" when he sees it!!

This one is my favorite!! How about you guys, did you have a favorite??

If you think this is a lot of pictures, you should know that
I took 102 pictures of this guy and I am sharing 9 with all of you.
Now don't you feel lucky that you only had to look at 9 and not 102!! 

Its favorite time of year!!
And today.....another "10"!!

Please stop by Tammy blog, you won't be disappointed!!


  1. Oh Debbie! These are amazing! I love all of them but especially the first few. There are so many details and the lighting is wonderful!

  2. I love your new obsession and I totally understand the 102 pics thing. :) B

  3. Beautiful pictures. I am rather partial to the first picture, but all are wonderful. Autumn is my favorite season as well, but we have awhile until she arrives here. Ho hum! Enjoy your lovely day.

  4. I love all of these pictures but your first couple are my favourites. That neck and those wings, wow, amazing.

  5. i like the wing action ones, but my favorite is 'yellow beak and black legs'. great reflection, eye clarity, and beauty!

  6. Spectacular! Your photos get better with every post. :)

  7. !!!!!!WOW photos! Great shots and the lighting was excellent. Yes, I'd give it a ten.

  8. so amazing! this was the first post i looked at.... what a great way to start my day! such great shots!

  9. Gorgeous, Debbie! These pictures are spectacular! I would not mind seeing all 102 of them. At all.

    The very first picture is my favorite. Those wings open like that are great!!

  10. He's a beauty! I love the wing spread shots the best, but they're all terrific. The lighting was perfect!

  11. Wow, he (or she) is so beautiful and you captured that beauty! Beautiful photos. Awesome!

  12. All of the pictures are fantastic,but my favourite is the first one.The wing position is so perfect.

  13. A magnificent creature and amazing photos! Thank you Debbie!

  14. Debbie, these are awesome photos!

    That top one is just amazing!

    What a majestic bird!

  15. You did get beautiful pictures. I am so glad you had such a awesome day.
    You said a skunk keeps spraying your house? That has to be the worse thing ever.
    Keep taking pictures I have always been intrigued by egrets too.

  16. INCREDIBLE beauty! These are wonderful!!!!

  17. He is BEAUTIFUL...the first time I every saw one was when I was in Princeton in 2006! We were biking along a canel and wondered what they were called!

  18. Hi Debbie...oh that first one and last are just lovely! It is a beauty ..I can see why you have so many photos ; }


  19. Amazingly beautiful photos! We have egrets near our place, but I've never gotten pictures nearly as nice as yours.
    We're in the Outer Banks this weekend, and rode by a cottage today with a sign "No Egrets" on the front. Your post made me think of that!

  20. Debbie, these are awesome. I can't believe you caught it with a frog.
    102 that's funny I do that with Herons.

  21. Beautiful shots of the Egret. They are gorgeous birds, I love to watch them fish. Have a great day!

  22. A most glorious series of photos! You captured this stunning bird beautifully. If I had to pick favorites ... the outstretched wing images are absolutely stunning. Terrific lighting. The day, egret, your photographs and this blog post are all a perfect 10!

  23. amazing pics! and LOVE these perfect fall days as well!

  24. These are great shots of a beautiful bird! I'm the same way ... dozens and dozens of shots on one thing!

  25. Absolutely lovely photos... I'm loving your new obsession!
    My favourites are #1 and #2 - can't separate them! Beautiful Debbie.

  26. A favorite....hmmm....It's hard to choose. I like his regal pose in the first shot and the one with the frog is cool, but I think my favorite is the one where you can see those wonderful black feet.

    Nice job, Debbie!

    Thanks so much for sharing him at Behind the Camera. I love seeing you there.

  27. I bet it was tough picking 9 from your 102 photos. They are excellent shots.

  28. thanks everyone for the very sweet comments.

    welcome have no idea!!
