
Sunday, August 7, 2011

You Shouldn't Encourage Me.......

you really shouldn't!!!!

Male Downy Woodpecker Part 2. There never really was a Part 1 and  there was no intention for a Part 2. But you guys say the nicest things and you "encourage me".......this is what you get!!!!

Let me begin by saying that I can not get rid of this guy. Like a 27 year old "failure to launch" child, he just won't leave!! When he does leave, which is almost never, he boomerangs right back looking for food. If you've ever had kids, this story is going to start to sound a little very familiar!!

"I'm baaaack!!!!!"

and I'm hungry.....
"whatcha' got?!?!"

Wooing me with that cute little head tilt!!!
"I know you think I'm cute!!!!!"

His mouth is always going.............

even when it's filled with food!!!!!

I have learned that feeding the birds is almost as expensive as feeding the kids. They are both very demanding. They dart off when you come into the room and are only nice when they need something. I am however glad that the birds don't ask for money!!!!

I am so excited to be linking to Camera Critters for the very first time.......

Please hop over and see all the Camera Critters


  1. even tho i've never had boomerang kids (or any kids) you had me laughing out loud!!! and he's adorable!!!

  2. My kids still all live at home but I sort of know what you are talking about.Lol. He is a little cutie though isn't he - how can you say no!!!!

  3. I understand the hungry critters. At my house it is the squirrels.

  4. Hey,thank goodness the birds are not asking for money.That's where I draw the line.Feeding is fun,money,no.great shots once again.

  5. Well I think he is very cute. I bet he just likes hanging around your very nice place.

  6. the woodpeckers here... they love to tap tap tap on the satalite dish! it drives me nuts! they are pretty birds though! lovin the new background!

  7. That is a great analogy and also made me smile. I have also got one of these little guys who comes back every day but does the strangest thing, he hangs on one of the rails as still as a statue and just stays there, looking up at the other birds in the tree. I don't know whether he is hiding or what. All I know is he is adorable and seems to be smaller than the other downy woodpeckers I have had, so I am assuming he/she is a juvenile. Lovely shots of yours. I don't think mine will come out as well somehow as it's been downright rainy around here. Rain we have needed badly I might add so I am not moaning :)

  8. He's just buttering you up with all that cuteness so he can borrow the keys to the car.

  9. Oh but he's sooooo cute! I would feed him too!

  10. So very funny (and true) with great shots!

  11. Hahaha! Debbie! Great photos and commentary! I fully understand about how expensive feeding birds can be. You would not believe my bird seed bill every month. :)
    Well...on second probably would already know! :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

  12. He truly is a cutie pie. I bet you don't mind at all that he keeps coming back.

  13. LOL ... can't ever get 'em to leave and you're right, almost as expensive as kids!

  14. Again, love how you give characters and stories to your photos! This guy is one of my faves. Love the coloring, and his sassiness!

  15. Very nice post and photos, too.


  16. Although I know they can be very destructive, they're so darn cute!!!
    This is a wonderful series of photographs Debbie!

  17. So funny and so true. i have a 25 year old failure to launch. First thing out of his mouth when he gets home...."what's for dinner" LOL.
    They do go through the seed, but just hearing them in the yard makes it worth it.

  18. LOL, he's got you so well trained Debbie! Those photos are just adorable :D)
