
Friday, July 29, 2011

A Room With A View......

I took all of these pictures on July 25, 2011........from my room with a view!!!!!

Male House Finch.....I think it's a youngin'

Meet Poppa

Tufted Titmouse

Tween Blue Jay
Learning that "2" peanut's are better then "1"!!!!
I think momma is in the background giving lessons!!!! 

Gorgeous Male Goldfinch
Checking in!!!!

Male Hairy or Downy Woodpecker....looking slightly frazzled!!!
I thought it might be the less common Hairy because of the yellow "fluff" at the bill
and the longer body!!!!

Gray Catbird
I love his fanned tail and the little curl of his beak!!!!
This one's for someone special!!!!

Male House Sparrow, had a lot to say!!!!

Another Male House Finch
Checking the decor in the house....... 

A beautiful Robin, drenched after a visit to the bird bath!!!!!!

Black-Capped Chickadee

No idea here.....anybody know?!?!
Tween Grackle

I get lot's of Cardinal's but could not get a good picture on this day!!!!

I am posting pictures of my hummingbirds tomorrow.....
I think I have a couple of good ones!!!!!


  1. i was looking at the catbird, shaking my head, going 'mm, mm, mm...' then read your comment underneath. he's perfect. :)

    and that looks like a grackle - that big black bird.

    love the way the birds cock their heads as they look into your window. SO cute!

  2. I just checked my bird book and the last one does look like a juvenile common Grackle. Can't wait to see the hummer pics. I'm getting a lot of action on all my feeders ever since I stopped up to see you. I guess you "rubbed off' on me!

  3. Such lovely little birds, every one a different colour. I've never heard of a grackle, I'm learning all the time lol. Great pics thanks for sharing what you have in your garden.

  4. Oh Debbie these are all just wonderful!

  5. Stunning! I love the bird bath robin. He's so cute all fluffy!

  6. all so beautiful view keeps me sane and happy!

  7. Oh Debbie, these pictures are so great! I loved each and every single one!

  8. That's some view you've got there, Debbie :)

  9. Oh what a glorious view you have! Awesome images of your backyard visitors! Looks like you have a haven for birds outside your house. Love the young jay and drenched robin, though all the photographs are wonderful. Looking forward to viewing your hummingbird shots!

  10. You DO know how to watch the birdies.

  11. Looks like you had the best seat in the house.Wonderful pictures.

  12. Oh wow Debbie! What a plethora of birds outside your window. Fantastic shots!

  13. Wow what a room that must be!!

  14. What a great view you have! Great shots!

  15. Those are all great Debbie! I can never get a good one of that Woodpecker, good capture! I love those finches ... yep, I think that guy is a grackle!

  16. All birds come to your garden? And you can watch those birds from your room? So lovely! I can't see wild goldfinch in Japan. I wish those colorful bird come to my garden.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. I'd say your room has "quite" a view!

  18. That's amazing...all this, one view, one day! You're actually getting me hooked on birds! I'm still loving the colors in the house finch. And anyone/thing that's yellow always captures my heart!

  19. What good bird pics, Debbie. I love the yellow finch!!

  20. You have an amazing variety of birds to shoot from your window with a view. Excellent group of shots.

  21. They're all so beautiful & colorful! Great shots, especially that lil yellow Goldfinch, they're so tiny & cute! =)

  22. A splendid collection of birds. My favourite is the gorgeous male goldfinch - love his bright and cheery colour in this shot.

  23. Gorgeous series, Debbie!
