
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cool In The Pool

We spent the afternoon today here........ 

swimming in the pool.
I always say swimming but we don't really swim, we float, for hours and hours, till our toes are wrinkled. 

Chuck always puts on the stupid mask and says he is looking for leaks in the pool liner.....
then he comes under the water and attacks my raft like a shark.
I always act like he "got me" but really I am just expecting it!!!!

I had "pool" hair today so I did not want to take self portraits.........
Since I did not have a blog last summer, I felt it perfectly acceptable to pull pictures from my archives.

Last summer.......August 9, 2010 with my oldest son Scott
When Scott's here I don't float.....I talk, for hours and hours!!!!

August 9, 2010.....Chuck, Scott and Me!!!!! 


  1. Being in the water on a hot day sounds inviting.

  2. Shark attack?!? Haha! Nothing like a pool with a view.

  3. cuteness. wrinkly prune feet family!

  4. oooohhhh nancy, you have a picture & a good one. i feel a blog coming on!!! xo

  5. It's one of the best ways to beat the heat, Debbie. Not swimming, just floating..., oh, same with me as I can't swim. You are always with your loved one, so sweet, love to see such two of you.

    Have a happy floating.

  6. You have a pool? Lucky!

    I'd be in it 24/7. Well, I'm sure that's what most people who don't have a pool say.

    What fun! I used to spend my summers at the local pool with my sisters. Great way to beat the heat. :)

  7. Encontrei seu blog por acaso e me encantei com suas flores e jardins.Tudo muito muito lindo.Que bom conhece-la.Parabens pelas belezas que compartilhas conosco e um grande abraço.

  8. What a beautiful pool. Looks like heaven on earth to me. I'd never get out...

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  11. That's a beautiful pool you have, Debbie! And a beautiful view, too. It looks like your family has a wonderful time there. Have fun!

  12. Sorry for the deletes, but I didn't think it "took" so hit publish too many times! ~Cheryl

  13. Just the thing for cooling off and relaxing!
    I love the view from your pool too :D)

  14. Not only do have a beautiful pool, but a fabulous view from the pool. Am I available for a swim this weekend? Absolutely, I'll cook! Hugs!

  15. So refreshing!! And nice to 'meet' your son!

  16. A pool - nothing could be more tempting in this hot hot weather! And the way hour husband plays with you - and you pretend to be caught by surprise - is so funny. And cute.
