
It's Nuts!!!!!

I lost my nut........

I'm barely holding on to mine.......

and I'm holding on tight.......
This scruffy nuthatch comes to my feeders every day.
 I always know it's him with his "untamed"......"ruffled" feathers!!!!! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cool In The Pool

We spent the afternoon today here........ 

swimming in the pool.
I always say swimming but we don't really swim, we float, for hours and hours, till our toes are wrinkled. 

Chuck always puts on the stupid mask and says he is looking for leaks in the pool liner.....
then he comes under the water and attacks my raft like a shark.
I always act like he "got me" but really I am just expecting it!!!!

I had "pool" hair today so I did not want to take self portraits.........
Since I did not have a blog last summer, I felt it perfectly acceptable to pull pictures from my archives.

Last summer.......August 9, 2010 with my oldest son Scott
When Scott's here I don't float.....I talk, for hours and hours!!!!

August 9, 2010.....Chuck, Scott and Me!!!!! 

Catch Me If You Can!!!!!!

This little guys teases me all the time. He sits and sits and poses and poses, but as soon as I turn the camera on, he darts off. On a recent visit, I acted uninterested and he seemed offended. Looking at me like "here I am....don't you want a picture". Once I could resist no longer, he sat and posed as if to say "I've teased you long enough"!!! I just love the way he looks at me!!!

Gorgeous Male House Finch!!!!!
You can click on this picture to enlarge it.....
texwisgirl suggested it might be worth a click!!!!

He just gets sooooo pretty in the summer!!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Morning Visiter!!!!!

I am soooo thrilled with this photo......

Downey Woodpecker!!!!

Our Special Day In Cape May!!!!

We spent our anniversary, June 25th, in Cape May, New Jersey. It was a beautiful day, just like it was 33 years ago!!! We saw several weddings and lot's of beautiful gardens.

Did we take pictures you ask, well of course we did. We look a little different but we are happier then ever........

Cape May!!!!!

A favorite spot at Congress Hall

Congress Hall Gardens......

were absolutely gorgeous........

Lace-Cap Hydrangea.....many thanks to my friend Nancy for her I.D.
Remember Nancy........

Cleomeor, thanks Nancy..........

beautiful daises!!!
We rode our bikes, shopped and took in all the beauty around us!!!

Dinner was good, but not really picture worthy.....
this on the other hand was amazing!!!!!


led us on a carriage ride......

a fairy tale ending to the perfect day!!!!!

Nancy also helped me to identify most of the butterflies in Hershey Gardens Post
I forgot to give her credit!!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Grill Master!!!!!

Last night, Chuck made me was fabulous, fabulous!!!! He really is the "grill master" and I felt like a princess. The main ingredient was butter. You know I have pictures, if your not hungry now, you will be. 

Look what this handsome guy dished up........

Yummy Chicken Kabobs
Sliced Red Skinned Potatoes with lot's of sliced Sweet Onion and butter,
cooked in foil "packets" on the grill!!!!!

and Sweet White Corn

A table for two........

Awesome eats..........amazing company!!!!!

Garden Blooms!!!!

My gardens are full of color and blooms. Let's go for a walk and see what's blooming......

Woodside Ruby Daylily

Strawberry Fields Forever Daylily, I love the color and lacy edges!!!!

Stella Doro Daylily

Sun Flowers

Cone Flower

Hydrangeas of my favorite's since childhood!!!!

We always called them snowballs........

I took all of the Hydrangea pictures from my office/dining room open window.
The light was perfect, I have no idea how the background got sooooo dark, but I love it!!!!!

Potted tomato plants on the deck with lot's of baby tomatoes!!!!

Tomorrow I am going to take some "yard" pictures, so you can get a feel for how it is all set up and where everything is. The individual blooms are always prettiest!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chick - A - Deeeeee

Linking to Nancy's A Rural Journal
Your Sunday Best

Please visit Nancy's blog.....there are some amazing entries!!!!

Nancy, Who????

About a year ago I received a friend request on facebook from a girl named Nancy. The name was not familiar, neither were the pictures. At the same time I received a private message from "Nancy", I wish I still had it but it's gone. It went something like this........"I love your pictures and I think we have a lot in common. We don't know each other, we have never met but you know my neighbors, Debbie & Brad and another neighbor, Mark.....can we be friends??"

I am not sure if I have ever been more flattered. I said yes, of course.....and so the friendship began. We met in "real life" recently at Debbie & Brad's home. It was wonderful, we had an instant connection. She came to my home on Wednesday for a garden tour and some bird watching. She brought me some seeds from her garden and this......

I planted it where she suggested!!!!
and also the seeds she brought from her Black Eyed Susans!!! She is a wonderful, thoughtful gardener. 

Thanks Nancy.....I am sooooo happy to know you!!!!

Spring Lake Beach!!!!

We are so very lucky to live at the Jersey Shore. We live, where so many people come to vacation!!! Sometimes, I forget that. Sometimes, I forget how beautiful it is here and how much there is to do!! Many evenings we come here, to Spring Lake, for a stroll by the ocean and to enjoy the smell of the salt water air. To enjoy the cool breeze off the ocean and the sweet taste of  ice cream after our walk. Well....maybe it's just the lure of ice cream that really gets us out of the house. We visit the Sunday Times....isn't that just the cutest name for an ice cream shop?!?!

Spring Lake Beach

at sunset, so calm and beautiful.......

a fisherman's dream????

This is becoming quite popular......
you have to be young and strong........

we are just old and goofy!!!!!

I loved this........

and this...........

and this!!!!!
These pictures were taken on June 15, 2011

Thank you all for leaving such beautiful comments yesterday & always!! We had a wonderful, very special day, I will blog those details tomorrow. It is gorgeous outside and I want to go float in my pool!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

33 Years Ago Today.......

I married the man of my dreams!!!!

It was a beautiful day........

with a beautiful guy.......

just 19 years old, arm in arm forever!!!!!

The love of my life.......

my best friend.....

my companion forever!!!!!

no matter the obsticle......side by side forever!!!!

The air in my lungs....the light of my life!!!!!!

It has not always been easy......but it has always been worth it!!!!