
Monday, May 23, 2011

Edel haus farm, Part 2...........

the adventure continues. Just in case you missed part 1, you can read all the details about our first visit to Edel haus farm here. Saturday, after shopping at Barlow's Garden Center we decided to revisit the farm and see how the Alpaca were doing after their haircuts shearing. Their bodies sure did look a lot different, but their cute little faces were the same. I was disappointed that John and Audrey were not there but the adorable Alpaca were and they were just as cute as ever. Let's get down to the good stuff, pictures.......

this one has the lightest coat and is the friendliest....
he ate right from my hand last visit!!!!

this color is really beautiful.....
an auburn, brownish/red..............

these two were very busy "chowing down"!!!!!!

these two are always kept separated from the others....
they participate in shows!!!!

a close up of the sweet little face!!!!!

and this sweet face!!!!!!

This picture was taken on April 30, 2011, prior to the shearing!!!
They got their "haircut" on May 13, 20011. John and Audrey had invited us to come and watch, 
I wish we had been able to go!!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! I have never seen the likes of these before.....not in real life anyway! So sweet:)))

  2. they're like elongated poodles! so funny!

  3. Laughing at Texwisgirls post. haha

    I love their big beautiful eyes! If I remember correctly from last time I saw one, they have amazingly long eyelashes? Or am I wrong?

    Great photos!

  4. They are so cute. I think the red head should be called "Lucy" :)

  5. Hi Debbie, thanks for your visit and kind comments on my blog! I've enjoyed reading some of your posts. I see you live in Jersey also! I think you would really love this place in Sussex, NJ called Space Farms Zoo and Museum. It's a zoo set up more like a farm/wild life refuge, with the most fascinating animals. I loved it. Hope to read more of your blog!

  6. All the alpacas are so adorable. When the first photo came into my eyes before reading, I thought it was a poodle. In fact, this is my first time to see alpacas even through photos. You must have enjoyed photography so much. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. I think they are too cute!! Goofy & cute at the same time :D

  8. Still catching up on your previous posts after discovering your blog.

    My niece and her son came to visit us last summer, and we "accidentally" found an alpaca farm within about 10 miles of my house....that I didn't know was there!

    A baby had just been born that morning. It was a special visit!
    Thanks for sharing these great pictures.
