
Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am a "Nikon".....

A few days ago I bought a new camera, in case you missed the news, you can view pictures and the details here. Since that day, I have done 2 things: play with my new "toy" and brush my teeth, in that order!!! So how is that working out for you, you might ask......I would reply, (after brushing of course) "not the greatest, but I am still smiling". I have noticed a few similarities in "Myself" and my "Nikon"........

1. We can't focus easily.......
2. We don't know what we are trying to focus on.......
3. We are in and out and here and there.....
4. We run out of power pretty quickly.......
5. We are both a little "bulky"!!!!!!  
6. We don't "adjust" too easily......

and last but not least.......we are both a lot of work. So there you have it!!!! I actually started this post last night and feel a bit better this morning. Things are not really that bad.....well they are BUT I am a die hard optimist so I think I am falling in love with my Nikon, it's just not going to be easy.

I had a wonderful email conversation this morning with a kindred spirit. Someone I have never met who inspires me and recognized my blog before anyone else even knew I was here. Thank you Laura, you are a very kind soul. I can't close without also mentioning texwis who is my virtual momma blogger. She has taken me under her wing and also inspired me to no end. Thank you ladies, how lucky am I?!?! Pretty darn lucky. Now I must go brush my teeth......there is fur growing there!!!!!!


  1. Keep at it,you and the camera will become fast friends.

  2. oh, you are so cute! furry teeth and all! i'm sorry you're not having as much fun as you had hoped. i am surprised at the lack of battery power you seem to be having (or maybe you're trying out features i usually don't so that's why my battery seems to last quite a while). i was intimidated by my camera and lenses at first, but i truly love it and it almost feels like part of me now. i hope yours will too! if not, can you take it back?!

  3. I'm scared of trying new things- so YaY for you! It's frustrating trying new should get easier.....

  4. Congratulations on the new camera. I graduated to DSLR last fall. There is much to learn, but it is fun and worth the effort.
