
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Daffodils from the Garden

Somehow "home grown" daffodils seem "prettier" and "smell better" then the ones I purchase. I am not really sure why. These are Gorgeous, with a capital G. I wish they came from my garden, but they didn't, they came from my neighbors garden. When I came home from shopping with mom and sis today, Helen was out and about and cut me this beautiful handful of daffodils from her garden. I am so glad she did as I have been eyeing them up. I have also had thoughts of sneaking out at midnight to cut some myself. Shameful I know, but in all honesty, it is the truth. I will have daffodils soon in my garden and I can't wait till mine bloom so I can share some with my wonderful neighbor. So, let's get to the pictures......

and the single bloom....takes my breath away!!!!

Thank you so much Helen, brought me joy!!!!  


  1. Oh, if I were Helen, I'd be keeping my eye on you!!! :) What a sweet neighbor!

  2. Oh LOVELY!!!!!! Those are just beautiful!
