
Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Day Gone to the Birds!!!!

I am seriously obsessed with my feathered friends. As a small child my Aunt Dot introduced me to bird watching and it was love at first sight. Something that has been with me since that first day I sat at her dining room window as "pop" filled the suet feeder. I spent hours at that window watching all the beautiful birds eat the bounty she and pop provided. I often wish I had her bird books, the ones I spend hours going through as a child. I always wonder where they are. I have my own books now....they are tithered and torn, just like hers were. So here I am, honoring her memory.

Female Downey Woodpecker

the Blue Jay
I can never get these guys...they are soooo quick!!!

action shot
I seriously can't get a good picture of a Blue Jay

my favorite....male House Finch.....

I just love this guy...
he comes and stays, for hours and hours!!!

this one's my favorite!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have about 6 bird books I reference - one is absolutely falling apart. I've got 2 other bird books that I have as decoratives - like coffee table books but I don't put them out... I think your little male finch is so sweet.
