
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Organizing Weekend

I can't believe it is Sunday night, where did the weekend go. I did not feel well on Friday and also had my, Friday is a blurr. On Saturday I was still not feeling well but felt well enough to tackle getting my storage room back in order. I should have taken a before picture as the room was a mess and had became a catch all throughout the holidays. The rug was barely visible. There were a few leftover gifts, holiday decorations that needed better organizing and gift wrap, bows and tissue paper still on the floor. I spend several hours straightening up and reorganizing some Christmas decorations. The results are comforting, everything is labeled and back in place......

It's a small room, I won't bore you with pictures of every angle. It's all cleaned up and it feels really great.

I also organized all the pictures I had printed on January 22, 2011, all 922 of them. In case your wondering, this is what 922 pictures looks like before organizing......

and after they are all organized.........

Sorting and organizing 922 pictures is a really big deal and I am going to tell you why. Each picture has to be identified on the memory card for the date it was taken. Then they are divided with cards. Next, I write little details on the divider cards about the event/trip/special moment and put them in order....oldest to newest. The pictures are burned to CD, so most need to be erased from the memory card to free up room for even more pictures. This is a very long and grueling process, one that took most of the day. I love to scrapbook and now I have a lot of special memories to record.

I did relize today, that I take way to many pictures. I feel like I got a lot done this weekend and that feels really good!!!!

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