
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Looking Up...

 After visiting my mom and after a recent rainstorm, driving home the sky looked like this...
it was so interesting, so beautiful.
At first glance, 
I thought it was a shelf the first image it almost looks like a tornado coming.
I did a little research on clouds here, and it appears these clouds are Scud Clouds.

On our way home from The Music Man on Friday, the sky was so pretty...

the hubs pulled over so I could take some pictures.
It was the sky, the water and the beautiful homes...there was even a little beach to the left.

Then we passed ...

this brightly colored, super cool station wagon,
- surfboard on top -

- clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or a storm, but to add color to the sunset sky -


  1. What a beautiful sky and what beautiful pictures.
    How nice you got to visit with your Mom.
    I just wanted to stop and say hi.

  2. The sky fascinates me sometimes also, Debbie... looks like beautiful watercolor... and I want to paint it.

  3. Gorgeous collection of sky photos!
    I like Wilbur!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. I love to look at clouds too. Those are pretty, and that one is scary! LOL How is your Mom doing Debbie? thinking of you today....

  5. Dear Debbie!
    He presented the beautiful sky in wonderful photos.
    Greetings hugs.

  6. Gorgeous skies, so interesting to watch them change and form new patterns, love the colors!
    Hope you had a good visit with your mom and that she is doing better.
    That is a pretty cool station wagon, love the name too!
