
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Around The Homestead...

 I have been very busy trying to keep up with work things,
and of course I took time off for Thanksgiving.

Youngest son Michael was home for a week for Thanksgiving, 
- that was so fun -
We had Thanksgiving dinner at my niece Deanna and Anthony's house.
They are parents to Addie & Lorelei, 
having those children in the house makes any holiday better.
Our turkey was fried outside, it looks pretty good, right?

I always love when Mike comes home,
he plays games with the hubs and I, I love to play games.
We played Scattergories...

When Mike was young we always let him win, 
he knows that and expects us to behave the same way now.
- we don't -
I also love when Mike is home during the holidays because he has a wonderful holiday spirit.

And he helped us decorate the house for Christmas

I'll show more of the house in another post.

I think this is a great Christmas To-Do-List for all of us.
- may we all be the light -

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday's Critters #415

 I have been visiting all of the local lakes and a lot of the winter ducks have arrived.
I am so excited to see them but most swim in the center of the lake...
- come on guys, what's up with that -
making it very difficult to get good pictures.
I have taken 100's of pictures, most not worth sharing, but the joy in seeing them is undeniable.

These images are from our first stop
Spring Lake
This is not a typical stop for us but we decided to branch out and be adventurous.
This paid off as these are the first Hooded Mergansers I have seen this winter.
My book says they are present here year round but I only see then during the winter.
It was a thrill!

I love this picture because you can see the markings in his feathers.

I like this picture because you can see how the 
Male Hooded Merganser's look, 
hood up and hood down.

It was a fairly big group, at least 20.

Male Merganser

Female Merganser


This is one of my favorite winter ducks.
I don't know what duck in the center is, if anyone else does, please let me know.

Next we went to Lake of the Lilies...

I saw a lot of American Wigeon, both male and female.
The males have the green on it's head.

I also saw a lot of what I believe to be Lesser Scaups.
It is difficult for me to tell the difference between the Lesser and Greater Scaups.
This is the male.

Female Lesser Scaup

This is Lake of the Lilies.
A huge, beautiful lake with gorgeous clouds on this day.
The swans are still here which is surprising, they left last winter and there were a lot of Ruddy ducks.
As of now, the Wood Ducks have not returned!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, November 26, 2021

Fort Hancock

 Fort Hancock
is a former United States Army Fort at Sandy Hook in Middletown Township, New Jersey.
The Coastal Artillery Base defended the atlantic coast and the entrance to the New York Harbor,
with it's first gun batteries operational in 1896.

There are a lot of pictures from back in the day here and a bit more information here.

We spotted this huge birds nest on top of this old chimney.

Views of the Sandy Hook Bay

- the world is yours to explore -

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Turkey Day


- what if today, we were just grateful for everything -

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Sandy Hook Lighthouse

 On our lighthouse adventure last week, we also visited

Only a short drive from the Twin Lighthouses,
this lighthouse more resembles a traditional lighthouse,
with the keepers home attached.

The Sandy Hook Lighthouse is the oldest operating lighthouse in the United States.
- how cool is that -
It is located at the northern end of the Sandy Hook Unit of the Gateway National Recreation Area.
Well preserved, the octagonal tower dates back to the 18th century,
and has been in service since 1764...
except being dark for the Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I and II
the beacon has been operating ever since.

The lighthouse is on the grounds of Fort Hancock, an unbelievable place to take pictures,
and believe me, I took a lot. I hope to share those on Friday!

- live light, spread the light, be the light -

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Twin Lights Of The Navesink Highlands

 During our warm snap last week, we took a drive to the 
It was such a wonderful ride and a really beautiful spot to walk around,
 enjoy the park like area and take pictures.

Situated 200 feet above sea level atop the Navesink Highlands, 
Twin Lights has stood as a sentinel over the treacherous coastal waters of 
Northern New Jersey since 1828.
Named Navesink Lightstation, it became known as the
Twin Lights of Highland 
to those who used it's mighty beacons to navigate.
As the primary seacoast light for the New York Harbor, 
it was the best and brightest light on the Atlantic Coast for generations of seafarers.

The current lighthouse, built in 1862 of local brownstone, 
cost $ 74,000.00 and replaced the earlier buildings that had fallen into disrepair.

While on the property, it is impossible to capture both towers in an image.

This is an "out of service" lens on display separately on the property.
The lens resembles glass beehives and consists of a series of prisms that surround a central light source.

Providing the Power

Once we drove away, from a distance you can capture the Twin Lights in it's entirety. 

- so shine a light and guide me home -