
Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Spring Thing

 I finished my 

Spring Thing Shawlette
by Lisa DiFruscia
Knitted with 50% Superwash Merino Wool - 50% Silk from Kettle Dyed Yarns

I bought this yarn ages ago at the 
while we were on vacation there.

I started this Shawlette on April 25th and finished it on August 6th, 2021...
I did not work on it for the 4 weeks I was in the hospital.

I have moved on to...

this counted cross stitch piece which is almost done.
It was about 3/4 done when I pulled it out from my sewing box.
I started this piece when my boys were little which makes it about 30 years old.

I am hoping the center fold comes out when I wash it,
next time, if ever, I work on a piece like this, I will roll it instead of folding it.

I have just a little more outlining to do and it will be finished.
I am sure my friend Liz has noticed that the flying fish is gone, I know, she knew it would be.
- hehehehe -

This project is for my #summerofwips2021.
Find a craft, that has been laying around your house for some time that you have wanted to finish.
Take it out, and finish it over the summer, fun, right? 
My knitting group started this fun activity/group, I really love this group of girls!


  1. Beautiful shawl. Love that cross stitch too. I did lots of cross stitch but had to stop because my eyesight had deteriorated so much. It is a great craft!

  2. The shawl looks store bought! Love the birdies!

  3. Your knitting group sounds fun, Debbie. Your shawlette is a beautiful finish. Love the colour of the yarn, and the tassels are fabulous. Sweet cross stitch.

  4. Such a pretty color for the shawl! Very nicely done with your counted cross stitch too! I used to do that a long time ago, lol :) No patience for it now :) Very good to finish up projects; what a great challenge from your knitting group!


  5. Hello Debbie,
    Your shawl is so pretty, I love the blue color. The cross stitch is cute, will you be framing it?
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

  6. You do amazing work on everything you do. Cross stitch.....a work of love for sure.

  7. I do like the colour and look of your shawlette.

    All the best Jan

  8. Oh the shawl is lovely, love the variegation in the colors. Oh I love your cross stitch, so cute, I have a quilt that has never been finished but I think that is all. I need to do more cross stitch to put on cards :)
    Hope you have a great weekend and good luck getting that center fold out, great idea to roll them instead of fold them, I will have to remember that if I do another big one again. I have a few cross stitchings done and just in a box, I need to get them out and do something with them.
