
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Super Storm Sandy

It's been 7 years since 
Superstorm Sandy made landfall in New Jersey in October 2012.

The area pictured, this bridge, is where the ocean breached the bay.
This entire area was under water during the storm, the bridge was destroyed.

This park/marina was a part of rebuilding the area. 

It's so pretty now, this is the first time I have visited since the storm.

The 2 High Schools contributed these beautiful markers for the park.

This is the town I grew up in and where I live now.
I graduated from Brick High School

As the town grew, we now have the need for two high schools,
Brick Memorial High School
my 2 sons graduated from Brick Memorial.

This storm changed our town and this entire state in so many ways.
This park was something good that came from the storm.


  1. Amazing recovery. I remember Sandy. When she reached Ontario, Canada she still had powerful winds. Ripped the siding off the side of my house. She also carried a black swan that ended up in Frenchman's Bay. It stayed for a couple of days then took off to parts unknown.

  2. It is hard to imagine the destruction of that beautiful area, Debbie.

    How do people ever recover from that devastation?

  3. A beautiful place indeed... impressive to read your post!

  4. It sure looks lovely now. Let's hope that no more storms come to devastate it again.

  5. Debbie - hard to imagine now, especially when the sun is shining! Love the memorials - they are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  6. Always good to see things rise up after a bad tragedy, and I am sure it means even more when it is your home town, it does look fabulous and I like how they had the high school participate in the rebuilding! Looks like a beautiful Marina!

  7. Wow! That's some beautiful progress!

  8. Things look very nice, and that artwork is lovely!

  9. I’m so glad for the recovery and hope for no such happening ever again.

  10. It all looks so good. Pleased they were able to recover.

    All the best Jan
